News & Results
Life is a journey .... it's not about "getting somewhere" or where you end up,
how much money or possessions you have when you get there, or along the way.
It's about what you learn, who you become, and what kind of influence
you have on those around you along the way, positive or negative.
The best thing is ... you get to choose.
Dreams Can Come True
For anyone reading this who wonders if they can do it too,
and is keen to see the Journey and changes from a newborn foal to 4yo, in horse and handler,
here's our Tilly (Skyview Eternity-HSH).
10 March 2018
Skyview Ambassador-HSH (Sam) at 3 months of age.

4 March 2018
Warm welcome to our newest 4 ladies, Shandy, Ideal, Gabby and Francine, from Geelunga Ayrshires. They've come here to dry off and eat lots and lots of feed in our middle paddock, before it is power harrowed in about 6 weeks after hopefully it has rained a bit. This is Gabby on the left and Shandy on the right

11 February 2018
Good but exhausting day today. And right up front I have to say a Huge THANK YOU to the StudMaster who came out for his 1 show of the year with Tilly (Skyview Eternity-HSH) and I, and was THE BEST strapper EVER. The Murray Bridge Breed Show is the largest breed show in SA outside of the Royal Adelaide Autumn Breed Show, and there were many many people and horses everywhere.
Today Tills (Skyview Eternity-HSH) competed in 4 different rings, and it was kind of the day of two halves.
In the morning, in the SA Buckskin Association, Tills just wasn’t the judge’s cup of tea. Pretty much 2nd/ 3rd or nothing in every class. Mostly nothing. Have to say though, the mare that won Supreme Buckskin was a very very nice mare indeed, and belongs to an equally very very nice Lucy Schofield.
In the afternoon we had ANSA, ASHS and Dilutes.
In a great thrill, Tilly won the ANSA mare class against some very serious competition, and then went on to compete in the Champion ANSA class (stallion, mare, gelding, young stock) against some more very serious and very experienced competition, and Tills was awarded Reserve Champion Led ANSA. With a really super comment from the judge.
Then we juggled the ASHS (stock horse) and Dilute ring, and ended up missing the first couple of Dilute classes, as Tilly won Best Presented Led ASH and Handler, then backed it up with 1st Led ASHS Female, and Reserve Champion Led against the stallion and young horse. Thank you to our wonderful steward who kept her eyes out for us and was a great help whilst the StudMaster was checking back and forth for Kate and I.
On to the Dilutes, and in a very competitive field (well done to all), we won Best Presented, Best Bred to Type, Senior Female Buckskin/Dun, Champion Senior Buckskin / Dun, Grand Champion Buckskin / Dun Exhibit, Ancillary Mare 4y and over, Champion Senior Ancillary, and finished with Grand Champion Ancillary. Thank you very much to our judge for her feedback and practicality after a very long day and afternoon in the sun.
So that’s a wrap for Murray Bridge 2018. Thank you to Amy and Sharon and the wonderful Murray Bridge Show committee – what a huge undertaking. Boy our feet hurt and we’ll sleep well tonight.

7 February 2018

1 February 2018
Sunrise at Skyview Stud.

30 January 2018
"And it was all yellow ...."

18 January 2018

24 June 2017
Back in 2012 I found a piece of paper on the scanner - it was our eldest son Link's English homework.
I decided to share it, as it describes what I am learning as I get older. Very wise for a 16yo.
The humble poet-to-be sat at his desk,
face in hands, saying nothing,
hearing nothing
beyond the black shroud of despair
wrapped around him.
Hair, tangled and knotted,
clumps of it strewn amongst
crumpled paper and broken pencils,
tools in the quest to be rid of his burden.
Slowly, the life had drained from his limbs
and, unable to gather then strength
to continue, he sat, a husk,
an empty shell of a man
with no drive or purpose.
Yet suddenly a spark
appeared in those dark and miserable eyes
and with the renewed energy of hope
he dared lift up his head
and sharpen a pencil ground
almost to a nub
and he began to write.
All weariness cast aside for
the single intent, the one cause
that an idea brought forward.
For he had chanced upon
the realisation that sometimes,
the journey is the reward.
13 April 2017
Last 4 photos from the Royal Adelaide Autumn Horse Show of Tilly (Skyview Eternity-HSH).
Photos by Kangra.
This one is from the Dilutes Australia handler class. We placed second and were thrilled.

This one is from the Australian Stock Horse Mare, over 4yo and over 15h class, and we were awarded the blue ribbon.

This one was taken during the Dilutes Australia classes, where she placed Reserve Champion Buckskin and Reserve Champion Ancillary.

This one was the "stand your horse up at the marker" point, at the end of the first trot line for the Australian Stock Horse Champion Mare or Filly workout. Trot, halt, stand your horse up, wait still for 4 seconds, wait for the judge's acknowledgement, then turn and trot back past the Judge. Our Judge was in the opposite corner. Same as a dressage test, the aim is to line the horse's girth / middle up with the marker. It's hard to tell from this angle but we were pretty darn close to spot. I was super pleased with that as it's quite tricky to get right when you're running flat out and on the near side (left) away from the marker.
We were humbled and thrilled that Tilly was chosen as Champion Australian Stock Horse Mare or Filly, any age.

8 April 2017
Autumn sunrise at Skyview Stud yesterday.
Feeding up and doing yards before heading off to the dressage.
This one was taken from the back of the stables.

This photo was taken from the yard below the house.

2 April 2017
Royal Adelaide Autumn Breed Show - South Australia
We're thrilled to bits to share that at the Royal Adelaide Autumn Horse Show on the weekend, which is the SA Royal Show for 2017, our young mare Skyview Eternity-HSH (4yo) was awarded
Champion Australian Stock Horse Mare or Filly, any age
Champion Led P-Registered ANSA Horse (male or female, any age),
in her two breed rings, and under two different interstate judges.
Then Reserve Champion Buckskin and Reserve Champion Ancillary (any colour) in the Dilutes Australia ring to the Sydney and Canberra Royal Show Supreme Exhibit (riding pony).
And we just happened to come second in a very highly contested Senior Handler class too as a bonus.
It was an honour to have Tilly chosen in her breed classes as well as her colour classes. Thank you to everyone who has helped us on our journey in recent years. It has been hard work and lots of effort with some wonderful outcomes so far.
In 2015, Tilly's older sister, (also out of our foundation mare), our mare Goldmine Latte-HSH, was awarded Reserve Champion Australian Stock Horse Mare or Filly, any age. Latte (Lil) is in foal again with her 3rd foal, due 5th December 2017, and we can't wait to see what she produces.

30 March 2017
Lovely to have our Stud used for promotional work.
And absolutely love the StockGuard product.
Has saved 3 of our horses in the last 18 months alone from wire injuries.

29 March 2017
Autumn is well and truly in the air now at Skyview Stud.
Sunrise whilst we're out feeding up and doing yards (again).
Autumn is an extremely busy time for primary producers / farmers with soil tests, liming and mineral spreading, re-seeding, fertilizing and weed control.
No rest for Horse Stud owners.
It is a beautiful way to start the day.

25 March 2017
Finn (Skyview Premier d'Or), first foal out of Goldmine Latte-HSH.
Now 3 years 4 months old and guessing currently 15.3 1/2 - 16h in height. May go another inch.
First time leg over, and as cool as a cucumber.
Bronya and Coral from Birdwood Horse Works are doing an excellent job training and looking after him, and we're thrilled to bits. ?.
It is an honour and a blessing, when you were there when they were a round dot on the screen, helped them be born, stand up and have their first drink, and then see them mature into a wonderful young show and riding horse

23 March 2017
Heart Horse
Hopefully, at least once in every Equestrian's life
They come across a very special horse.
Now this horse isn't always the best trained, the most talented or the most beautiful
It is something quite unexplainable actually
It's the horse that brings out the best in you, in the ring and out.
The one who not only teaches you to be a better rider
But a better person
That horse tends to love you, before you love yourself.
And sees something valuable in you
Some redeeming quality, that you just don't see.
If you are lucky enough to come across that horse early in your life
Never let it go
These horses are truly one in a million.
This horse not only changes your view of you, but also your view of the world.
And you find you are much happier with yourself, and the world around you, when you are with that animal.
You become everything you wished to be.
And when you're upon their shoulders
It's truly heaven on earth.
You've found your heart horse
Now ride
And never let go.

19 March 2017
Different is beautiful.
Shaw and Smith Winery, Jones Rd Balhannah, SA
4 March 2017
We had a lovely young lady visit last weekend who took some amazing around-the-property photos. This one we call "Pow", and is of our two kittens, Tiggy and Possum

28 February 2017
Paddock photos ...
Mr Handsome, as our farrier calls him. Finn (Skyview Premier d'Or), going through the "giant yellow labrador just-turned-3yo-gelding" stage. About to go and be backed and then turned out for winter to continue growing. He's 15.3+ ish now with big wide open knees still and the extra 6 - 9 months in growing will be a good investment.
First foal out of our cremello mare Goldmine Latte - HSH, by the international stallion Le Primeur (Han).
Photo taken by PYT Equine Photography, during Maddie's surprise visit on Saturday 25-02-17.

Skyview Eternity - HSH (Tilly).
Our 4yo brown buckskin Australian Stock Horse mare.
Paddock photo taken by PYT Equine Photography.

27 February 2017
After our old cat Lucky passed away early last year, we have two young female kittens, to become our stable and house cats.
One is a true farm kitten, with many generations of mouser breeding behind her. The other, a resident wharf kitten, found curled up on a bag of rags in a 35 man workshop in Outer Harbor beside the wharf where the big ships berth.
This is our dilute kitten, Tiggy. Gorgeous photo taken by PYT Equine Photography. Bred by Lia Blackett and her family at Wynara Stud in SA. Thank you again, Lia and Maddie

23 February 2017
Skyview Stud. Some property work-in-progress shots during early morning, feed-up time.
There's been a huge amount of planning, effort, sheer hard work and resources over the past 2 1/2 years to move from a run down old dairy / alpacca property to a safe horse property, with lots of work still to come.
Photos of some of the "finished" parts while we continue the journey with the rest.
Lil (Goldmine Latte-HSH) 50 day positive preg test, due around Dec 5th 2017. Foal Number 3 hopefully.
Thank you to Goulburn Valley Equine Hospital (GVEH) for their care and support of our Lil.

22 February 2017
A beautiful candid photo taken on the weekend by PYT Equine Photography of our Finn (Le Primeur x Goldmine Latte-HSH), 3yo.

13 February 2017
After almost 12 months in planning and wait for the ground to dry out enough (wettest winter in over 60 years), an impressive excavator turned up with it's bobcat friend, and buried the old stone building with rusted steel girders that was dangerous and undermined by a thousand rabbit warrens with tyres over the holes.
Thank you again to Echunga Earthmovers for a highly professional job.
before ....
during ....
After ...
11 February 2017
aaannnnnd .... just for something different on the weekend (not) .... more fencing in the middle of summer.
We split the property into 3rds, and this is the front 3rd (second part) we're working on getting the paddocks, soil, pasture, water and fencing done.
The only way to roll out StockGuard - two of the men-folk on the back of the Harry the gator and roll 2 lines out at once.
Wendy and I are world experts at screwing insulators on fence posts now too ....
Double raceways and angled corners in each paddock to hopefully prevent getting stuck in anything by "talking over fences" and incidents where horses get baled up in corners.
22 January 2017
Gracie today (Skyview Champagne Grace-HSH). 14 months old and growing like a weed.
We swear every time we see her she's changed colour. Chameleon horse.
We'd like another one like this please Lil. Don't care if she has a white mane and tail or a black mane and tail, either is fine.
Grace's mane is just ridiculously thick too - good luck to us thinning that out in a couple of years to plait it. Might have to encourage a new trend for buckskins to be shown with manes out like palominos.
Another in lock-up all night with all this grass after the most extraordinarily 9 months in the last 60 years.

4 January 2017
4 more confirmed 60+ day Goldmine Mirage-HSH frozen semen pregnancies for our 2016 Clients !!! Congratulations - very much looking forward to a golden Springtime for you and us.

Skyview News - 2016
Goldmine Latte-HSH and Skyview Champagne Grace-HSH. 19 December 2015

December 2016
Skyview Eternity (Tilly) at the Dilutes Australia - SA Championships.
With thanks to Leanne Owens of Horses of Gold stud in QLD for the lovely photos.
1st Best Conformation
1st Best Bred to Type
1st Senior Buckskin Mare
Champion Senior Buckskin
Grand Champion Buckskin
Supreme Dilute of Show, awarded the Betty Hosking Memorial Trophy as State Champion 2016
1st Ancillary Mare
Champion Senior Ancillary
Grand Champion Ancillary

December 2016
Skyview Eternity - HSH (Tilly) at the SA Buckskin State Championships.
Supreme Led Exhibit of Show
State Champion
With thanks & appreciation to Ingrid Matschke who took these beautiful photos and sponsored the Supreme Champion award.

24 November 2016
50 day old Goldmine Mirage-HSH embryo cooking.
One very happy client.

16 November 2016
One dose of frozen, one insemination, one 16 day embryo.
Good job Mirage and Allie and Windarra Park vets.
Liquid gold, this frozen semen
This foal is the repeat mating that produced Skyview Sovereign in 2015, and will be available for sale.
Due date mid-late October 2017.

22 October 2016
One insemination, one pregnancy
We're thrilled to announce the first client pregnancy for Goldmine Mirage-HSH's frozen semen this season. One insemination, vet was amazed the semen was so good it produced an embryo from not only the first ovulation, but the second one as well, many hours later, without a second insemination. Great news, well done & best wishes to Max and his lovely mare, now expecting her first golden Australian Stock Horse baby .

3 September 2016
Well, Spring has sprung as they say, however today was definitely a Winnie the Pooh "blustery" day.
That did result in this beautiful gum tree blossom carpet in Finn's paddock when we did tonight's feed-out. I didn't realise how beautiful the gum trees looked too until I saw the quickly snapped photo about an hour later. The blossoms truly looked spectacular.

2 September 2016
Go for Gold.
That time of year when for those living in the southern states of Australia, fluffy cream hair goes everywhere and golden equines emerge ....

28 August 2016
Second year at the beautiful but run down ex-dairy ex-alpaca property we purchased in September 2014, and if the first year's focus was renovate 50% of the pasture and get 50% of the fencing in so the horses are safe, this has been balance up the pasture in minerals, the beginning of weed erradication and"The Year of the Trees".
Team Skyview had to learn a new skill, and throughout the incredibly wet winter, have planted almost 500 Trees for Life seedlings, from July to August 2016. Seedlings from Trees for Life have to be ordered 12 months in advance, so we had to pre-think and pick them in July 2015. We stayed away from eucalypts that drop branches on fences for this lot, and included all the local bushy 2-4 and 1-2m natives of blackwoods, swamp wattles, drooping she-oaks (to fix nitrogen in the soil), sticky hop bushes, totem poles, myrtle wattles and silky tea trees.
We have planted them along the raceways, as shelter and shade belts for the livestock and to support the environment. Hopefully far enough away from the current and future electric fencing (3m). Hence why we designed the raceways at 10m width. Luxury width for raceways, but with 52 acres it is better to get things right than scrimp on size and have to forever be cutting tree branches back or off fencing.
Hopefully in 3 - 5 years the new trees will be growing strongly and we and future owners of this lovely property will be able to see the work that it took was well worth it.
Along the way we also got the trailer bogged a couple of times because we were a bit late in autum / winter, but that was a good learning exercise. The StudMaster used "Boy Scout" technology to get it out.

4 August 2016
Grateful and a tiny bit thrilled that our Goldmine Latte-HSH (Lil) and Skyview Champagne Grace-HSH (Grace) have been chosen as the cover shots for the Responsible Horse Breeders Network and the Palomino and Cremello Horses in Australia Facebook pages for August 2016.
With thanks to the Administrators, PYT Photography (Kitty) for the first photo, and the amazing care and support of Windarra Park Vets (Dr Tanya Dodi, Dr Andrew Loose, Alana Pitts and Mandy Napier) for helping to create and keep our special baby safe until she arrived.

2 August 2016
Thank you for your enquiries and to our wonderful mare owners.
Our Spring 2016 Goldmine Mirage-HSH frozen doses have now been sold.
We offer a limited number of doses each season in case we or our mare owners wish to sell their foals the following year.
If you're thinking about using Mirage in your breeding program in 2017, we welcome your expression of interest, and will contact you for first option prior to advertising.
We wish you a happy and successful 2016 / 2017 breeding season.
Skyview Stud

30 July 2016
Thinking, planning and preparing for the season ahead ...
The upcoming October / November 2016 breeding season is taking a lot of thinking for us, as we are breeding two slightly different types of horses. Tall (16h - 16.2h), palomino and buckskin (and in future silver) Heritage Australian Stock Horses and tall palomino, buckskin (and silver) all-rounders with great conformation and some Warmblood performance infused for a tad more lift and suspension.
We have had to seriously consider what we want to put on the ground in 2017 for our own future competition / breeding purposes, the types of foals our clients are seeking, the investment vs pricing of next year's foals for the two types and how many foals we will commit to properly raising and handling in the following season given we have "normal" full time jobs. The answer lies somewhere around 2 - 4 foals, without exactly landing it yet :).
Pleasingly, we have had many enquiries over the last 4 - 6 months asking what foals we have due this season, including 7 - 8 enquiries about "is (substitute one of 3 mare's names) in foal this year?". This has been really fabulous, particularly given our focus on performing our mares and having them "known". As far as babies due this Spring 2016, unfortunately we breed every 2nd year due to the desire to compete our stock in the "alternate" year, and so have no foals due this year.
We have been offered several really lovely broodmares on a breeding lease over the last couple of months, which has taken a lot of thought about potential matings, and whether the resultant foal would be a commercial (for sale) outcome or "potential keeper to improve our stud".
We are also considering which of our young horses are broken in or shown led or ridden this season. Or whether one of our young ridden mares who is a pleasure to ride, now retires to the breeding herd.
On a very positive side, we have virtually "maxed out" the doses of Goldmine Mirage-HSH frozen semen we feel comfortable selling in one season, which is awesome. We have focused on being great people to deal with and completely transparent with post-thaw motility and pregnancy results. The results are very good too, so that is lucky for us. We are also very fortunate with the quality of mares that will be used with this semen, and are looking forward to our mare owners having good breeding success and seeing their new babies too in 2017.
22 July 2016
Some beautiful photos taken January 2016 by Madeleine from PYT Photography, to remind us the winter will eventually come to an end, and the new breeding season will be upon us.
Our 2015 filly, Skyview Champagne Grace-HSH.
By Regal Banquet xx out of Goldmine Latte-HSH.
Really happy with Grace's shoulder angulation, hindquarter and drive from behind.

Our 2015 colt, Skyview Sovereign.
By Goldmine Mirage-HSH out of Belcam Allure (elite warmblood).

17 July 2016
It's definitely Winter
After last season having the driest year for a long time due to El Nino, this year South Australia has recorded its windiest July in the past 30 years, and more rain to end-July than received in the whole of last year. They say La Nina is the opposite and follows El Nino - well, this is proving to be very accurate.
Luckily the back half of the property is sloped and the water has run off quite well, and we're keeping a very close eye on the horses for both condition in the cold and wet and health leading up to the breeding season.
Amongst the torrid weather, we have had some of the most spectacular winter sunrises we have ever seen. If there are advantages to being out very early in the morning in the freezing cold and mud, this must surely be it.
Tuesday July 19th, sunrise at Skyview Stud looking outfrom the stable block sliding door

10 June 2016
Photos of the stallion Goldmine Mirage-HSH at liberty as a 3yo.
Frozen semen available from us for this breeding season.
Out of the same mare (Goldmine Champagne Blush-HSH) as Goldmine Latte-HSH, Skyview Eternity-HSH and Skyview Champagne Rose-HSH.
Class, drive, uphill with a beautiful front. We also love how you can see where the "sitting spot" for the human is even when Mirage is galloping flat out - the line is well known for the "magic carpet ride".

Have a look at his hock action, both hocks ...

The "sitting spot" for the rider, even when Mirage is galloping ...

Beautiful front and head

Sneaking in one photo of Goldmine Mirage-HSH as an 8yo to show his reach and drive, just in the paddock.

15 May 2016
Our beautiful Mirage colt, Skyview Sovereign. Heart of gold and just as gorgeous.
7 months of age and leaving for his new home in Queensland, Australia on Monday 23rd May.
Going to break some hearts, this one.
Such a wonderful temperament as well as going to be the most beautiful rich gold colour.
Loves his chest scratches. And ear rubbies. Bless him - we're going to miss him.

9 May 2016
Yes ...

2 - 3 April 2016
Adelaide Royal Autumn Breed Show
Tilly (Skyview Eternity-HSH) and I went together to the Adelaide Royal Autumn Breed Show this year. Our classes ran over the Saturday and Sunday.
It was Tilly and my first outing in 12 months, her third show ever, first time stabled overnight at the Showgrounds, and she was an absolute superstar legend. Walked over, around, through and past everything without blinking an eye. Lunged a tiny bit on the warm up arena in amongst everyone in a halter and was perfect.
Took it all in her stride, cool as a cucumber.
Very impressed with Eternity's behaviour and the way she handled a big atmosphere.
Our Results
2 Royal Show Champions, 3 x 1sts, 2 x 3rds including Australian Stock Horse led.
Eternity so reminds me of her mother, Blush, in this photo.

Thank you to our lovely judge and stewards.
Never an easy job.

We were thrilled with Eternity's results at her first Royal show.

Skyview Silver Moon
Also a big shout out to Patty King and Skyview Silver Moon for their Royal Results. Patty purchased Silver Moon (Kitty) as a 6 month old after being there the day she was born.
Results - Skyview Silver Moon's first Royal Show (also as a 3yo)
2 Grand Champions, 2 Junior Champions, 3 firsts, 1 second (Best Presented).

"Good Beginnings"
The reason we breed
This video was taken on 8th March 2013, and includes Skyview Eternity-HSH in the middle, Skyview Silver Moon on the right who we sold at 5 months, and the buckskin thoroughbred girl Skyview Reflections we bred and sold to another dilute performance stud at 7 months.
At the time I wrote "This is how we'd like our future riding horse to be raised, with a childhood filled with joy, happiness and knowing the rules".
We also were all pitching to help (horses and humans), as at the time we had 3 young fillies, and only 2 mothers, having lost Reflections' dam to severe colic when she was only 10 weeks old. That was heartbreakingly hard.
Who would've thought that 3 years later, 2 of these 3 fillies would be junior National and Royal Show Champions.
It takes a lot of thinking, time, effort, $, energy, planning, hard work, and doing it even when it is freezing, muddy, blowing a gale or you feel very ordinary.
Our aim is to keep doing the same, for our Clients and our own little Stud.
"building strong foundations"

7 May 2016
Bought Horse Deals May national magazines at lunchtime today to sit and read during the rain this afternoon (if it gets here) and guess what, 2 pictures in there of 4 different Skyview Babies, Cherry (Skyview Champagne Rose-HSH), Tilly (Skyview Eternity-HSH) x 2, Finn (Skyview Premier d'Or) and Kitty (Skyview Silver Moon).

Wednesday 27th April, 2016
Sunrise from the stable door and looking over the arena this morning - Skyview Stud, Echunga, SA.

Skyview Stud's 2015 Cover Babies, for StockGuard Electric Fencing
Featuring our Sovereign and Grace - 2015 Skyview foals

30 March 2016
Checking on some of our visiting Ladies tonight. Helping with paddock clearing up and rotation. Pretty girls

25 March 2016
The lovely Skyview Party Girl (Phoebe) owned by Susie and Tim, out for a forest ride on a perfect Autumn Adelaide Hills day

20 March 2016
Our Mums and Babies. Almost time for weaning. About 4 weeks to go we think. For those looking at different studs and foals to purchase, please make sure that their foals and broodmares have been given suitable and adequate nutrition through pregnancy and after foaling, to grow bones and muscles properly. And that the mares, foals and other horses look well cared for and healthy.
At peak lactation rate (six to eight weeks after foaling), an average-sized mare (500-550kg) will produce up to 20 litres of milk daily. The dietary areas to consider are energy, protein, calcium, vitamins and minerals. You don't want your new foal or youngster to have missed out on these essential building blocks for future soundness and health.

Belcam Allure and Goldmine Latte-HSH.
Definitely not fading away. Nice to see mares getting on so well together.

12 March 2016

Yin & Yang

Dearly hoping we might see in future what this mating could produce.
... from Wikipedia
In Chinese philosophy, yin and yang (also yin-yang or yin yang, 陰陽 yīnyáng "dark—bright") describes how opposite or contrary forces are actually complementary, interconnected, and interdependent in the natural world, and how they give rise to each other as they interrelate to one another.
Many tangible dualities (such as light and dark, fire and water, expanding and contracting) are thought of as physical manifestations of the duality symbolized by yin and yang.

11 March 2016
Welcome to the next generation.
It is always tad scary when your best mate retires, and a youngster comes in to begin training and assessment. Your mind is filled with curiosity, caution, hope, and memories of what it was about this particular youngster that made them "the keeper" from the foals that season.
This is Skyview Eternity-HSH, or Tilly as we call her. She is a 3yo brown buckskin filly and has been brought out of the young horse paddock and into a yard a fortnight ago. We're really pleased with her progress. Very quick to learn, remembers well, and is being a pleasure to work with. She has big shoes to fill, but with patience and time, hopefully a new special partnership will be formed.

8 March 2016
"Fire in the Sky" - sunrise 6.52am

7 March 2016
"Sharing is Caring"

7 March 2016
Well, we started feeding up in the blackness, and then it became pretty spectacular. Always reminds us sometimes you need dark clouds and rain before you get beautiful sunrises.

21 February 2016
Welcome Janara Rejoice-HSH from NSW.
2 1/2 yo heritage Australian Stock Horse filly. Bay silver - such an interesting colour. Future riding horse and broodmare. To mature around 15.3h.

20 February 2016
This afternoon was one of those very special once-in-a-lifetime moments, when the National Board of Dilutes Australia presented us with two lifetime outstanding achievement awards for Our Lil (Goldmine Latte-HSH).
The Opal Award (for all dilutes) and Spectrum Award (for ancillary dilutes) are truly special and worth the years of blood, sweat, heartache, joy and work.
The trophies are incredible, thank you to Barbara Arnold for the Beswick horse, Swarovski crystal piece, real opal, real crystal, plaques, framed awards, and sashes with Lil's name on them.
Huge thank you to the Board for this special day. We have made many lifelong friends through this journey, and both the National and SA Dilutes Australia committees and their members are to be commended for their leadership, mentoring, stewardship and willingness to coach and develop absolute newbies including us who had never shown or even gone to a show before Lil came along.
Last of all, thank you to my family, including the StudMaster and Giant Children, my good mates (couldn't do without you) and my beautiful girl, Lil. You truly are a miracle horse.
Photo today out doing whatever she wants, with her second child. Bless her heart. I just love this mare.

With the 2016 Dilutes Australia National Board

National President, Dave McLean

The beautiful Dilutes Australia Limited Opal Award and Spectrum Award, kindly arranged by Ms Barbara Arnold. The Opal Award features a piece of Australian opal and a Beswick palomino horse.
The Spectrum Award features a piece of Australian crystal and a Swarovski Crystal sculptured piece.

Lil (Goldmine Latte-HSH) out in the paddock today, retired to a wonderful life as a broodmare, with her 3 month old 2015 season buckskin filly Grace (Skyview Champagne Grace-HSH)

12 February 2016
Beautiful misty morning and the young horses are doing well.
Left to right, Skyview Champagne Rose-HSH, Skyview Eternity-HSH, Skyview Premier d'Or.

February 2016 - grazing
The Adelaide Hills in South Australia has had very unusual weather this spring / summer with an extremely dry August 2015 - January 2016. In February 2016 we have had much cooler weather than the usual run of 10 days over 40 degrees, and two decent rains. This has meant the summer active fescue in the newly planted paddocks has come on early, and our horses are loving the green feed.
16 months after moving to the new property, with a lot of work already done and much left to go, Skyview Stud is proud to show you our mares and foals and young horses, growing up in lovely big open paddocks, to give them the best start possible both physically and mentally.
2015 season mums & babies
From left to right, Goldmine Latte-HSH (cremello heritage Australian Stock Horse mare), Belcam Allure (chestnut elite warmblood mare), Skyview Champagne Grace-HSH (buckskin heritage Australian Stock Horse filly), Skyview Sovereign (palomino warmblood x Australian Stock Horse colt).

From left to right, Janara Rejoice-HSH (2yo bay silver filly), Skyview Eternity-HSH (3yo brown buckskin mare), Skyview Premier d'Or (2yo WB x ASHS palomino gelding), Skyview Champagne Rose-HSH (5yo chestnut mare).

Janara Rejoice-HSH who spent last winter out on the high country in NSW, encouraging the other young horses to join her in eating the green pick on the inside of the small dam. This is the second day the young horses were moved into this paddock, and they are really enjoying the feed.

31 January 2016
A very happy new owner who has come to SA to visit the new man in her life, Skyview Sovereign.
It was wonderful to see how well they bonded in just a couple of days.

30 January 2016
Our babies are growing up. Early morning photo, Skyview Champagne Grace-HSH at 2 1/2 months and Skyview Sovereign at 3 1/2 months.

January 2016
Welcome Janara Rejoice-HSH. Tall bay silver 2yo filly, who has come to join us in South Australia.

3 January 2016
Always lovely to hear an update on our horses and their owners.
Here's two lovely happy snaps from Tim and Susie and their lovely mare, Skyview Party Girl (Phoebe), enjoying a ride in Kuitpo Forest. Phoebe was purchased in October 2011.

Skyview News - 2015

too true ....

Team Phillips human news.
We said "Take care, have a wonderful time and see you soon" to our youngest son Mitchell today, as he heads off to Google in Sydney for a 3 month summer internship in the holidays between first and second year of University. Proud of you mate. Work hard, and enjoy your first trip to Sydney.
And no, we're not short. Mitch is just 19yo and 6'5".

They say you set the goal in stone and the plans in sand. The result below is testament to that, and we're thrilled to share it .
Opal and Spectrum are lifetime awards for excellence and it has taken Lil (Goldmine Latte-HSH) and I four years to get there. Dilutes Australia is an excellent organisation to be part of and their Committee and members are very encouraging.
Well done to Lil. You're a once in a lifetime.

Results for the National Horse of the Year 2014 / 2015 - Dilutes Australia
Skyview Eternity, J Phillips (SA), Skyview Stud
National HOTY Buckskin Halter Filly 3 Yrs & Under
Goldmine Latte, J Phillips (SA), Skyview Stud
National HOTY Cremello Halter Mare 4 Yrs & Over
National HOTY Cremello Mare Under Saddle
National HOTY Cremello Open Performance – Hacking
National HOTY Cremello Open Performance – Dressage
National HOTY DA Ancillary Mare Under Saddle

Picked up the September 2015 Horse Deals edition at the airport today on the way to Sydney for work, and to our surprise, two of our mares and their results were mentioned - one in the normal section and one in the Stallions section.
To our beautiful girls Goldmine Latte-HSH (Lil) and Coldstream Diamonds Are Forever-HSH (Delta), well done Ladies. You rock.

5 June 2015
It was fantastic to see Goldmine Latte-HSH (Lil)'s Royal Adelaide Show results and picture in the national Australian Stock Journal. Thank you to the SA ASHS Team for the write-up.

Murray Bridge, South Australia
National Championships are now held biannually (every 2 years), and in a different state. In 2012, they were held in the ACT, and we travelled to Canberra. In 2013, they were held in Perth, WA, and in 2015 for the first time, they were held at Murray Bridge in South Australia.
Skyview Stud had 3 horses represented in 2015.
Goldmine Latte-HSH, Skyview Eternity-HSH and Skyview Silver Moon.
our Results are as follows:
11 year old cremello Heritage Australian Stock Horse mare
- measured at 15.1 1/2h
- 120 days in foal
owned since 7 months old, raised and presented by Skyview Stud, SA

National High Point Any Other Solid Dilute of Show
(includes led, under saddle & performance classes)
National Supreme Best Presented of Show > 10.2h
National Supreme Champion Led Cremello / Perlino
(highest cremello / perlino award)
National Open Dilutes Led Results
National Champion Led Cremello / Perlino Female
Cremello / Perlino Mare 4 years & over – 1st
Best Trot Cremello / Perlino 4 years & over - 1st
Best Bred to Type Cremello Perlino 4 years & over - 1st
Best Presented Cremello / Perlino 4 years & over - 1st
National Grand Champion Ancillary / Appendix /
(highest Ancillary award)
National Champion Female Ancillary/Appendix/
National Ancillary Mare 4 years and over – 1st
Best Trot Ancillary 4 years & over (any sex, any colour) – 1st
Best Bred to Type Ancillary 4 years & over (any sex, any colour) – 1st
Best Presented Ancillary 4 years & over (any sex, any colour) – 1st
National Champion Dilute ASHS / ANSA Female 4 years & over – 1st (any sex, any colour)

Placed 3rd and 4th in the National Dressage Competition, after 4 weeks back under saddle and at 120 days in foal, following a 2 year break as a broodmare.

National Reserve Champion Any Other Dilute Under Saddle (any sex, any height)
National Reserve Champion Large Dilute Hack > 15h
(any sex, all colours)
National Pleasure Horse Under Saddle > 14h
– 1st (any colour, any sex)
National Champion Ancillary Under Saddle
(any colour, any sex) – 1st

Ancillary under saddle 15h & over
(any colour, any sex) – 1st
Ancillary / Appendix / Foundation Hack Any Height
(any colour, any sex) – 1st
Ancillary Pleasure Horse Any Height (any colour, any sex) – 1st
National Owner Handler – equal 1st
National Senior Handler – 4th
2 year old brown buckskin Heritage Australian Stock Horse filly
- measured at 15.1h at 27 months
- bred & owned by Skyview Stud, SA

National Champion Junior Buckskin Female (3 years old and under)
Buckskin Filly 2 years of age – 1st
Best Trot Buckskin Female 3 years and under -1st
Best Bred to Type Buckskin Female 3 years and under – 1st
Best Presented Buckskin Female 3 years and under – 1st
National Reserve Champion Female Ancillary/Appendix/
(against her big sister, Goldmine Latte-HSH who took out Champion and Grand Champion)
National Ancillary Female 3 years and under
– 1st
Best Trot Ancillary 3 years and under (any sex, any colour) – 1st
Best Bred to Type Ancillary 3 years and under (any sex, any colour) – 1st
Best Presented Ancillary 3 years and under (any sex, any colour) – 1st
National Champion Dilute ASHS / ANSA 3 years & under – 1st (any sex, any colour)
(and impeccably well behaved at her 3rd show ever – we were just delighted)

Skyview Eternity-HSH

2 year old brown Australian Stock Horse filly
- measured at 15h at 26 months
Owned, raised and presented by Patricia King.

National Champion Non-Dilute Ancillary / Appendix Mare or Filly
Non-Dilute Ancillary / Appendix Filly 3 years and under – 1st
Best Bred to Type Non-Dilute Ancillary / Appendix (any sex, any colour) – 1st
Best Trot Non-Dilute Ancillary / Appendix (any sex, any colour) – 1st
Best Presented Non-Dilute Ancillary / Appendix (any sex, any colour) – 1st
Also impeccably well behaved at her 1st show ever and 1st time off her “home property” – we were just thrilled with how Patty and Pete have raised her.

Many thanks to Hugh Phillips ("the StudMaster") and Link Phillips ("Giant Child #1") for their help and support for the weeks leading into Nationals and the 3 days of preparation and competition.

Results and photos from the Royal Adelaide Autumn Breed Show, 18th and 19th March 2015.
This is Skyview Stud's 3rd Royal Show. After hanging over the rail fence for many years wishing I could one day have a horse of suitable quality and be out there, it still gives me goosebumps to actually be standing on the grass ... Hopefully next year we will be out there with our two youngsters, Skyview Eternity-HSH (buckskin filly) and Skyview Premier d'Or (palomino gelding).
We took one horse this year, our mare Goldmine Latte-HSH, our Lil. She had only come back into light ridden work 4 weeks before the Royal Show after a 2 year break for broodmare duties, and was 4 1/2 months in foal at the time (to Regal Banquet xx, Supreme ANSA exhibit at the 2015 Sydney Royal).
We had to wait until Lil was safely 90 + days in foal before commencing light work after a late pregnancy re-absorption 34 - 38 days in foal in November 2014. Due to excellent vet work, very careful management and a lot of great luck, we'd managed to put her back in foal (served Dec 2014) and so far, fingers and toes crossed, it's "stuck". For the Royal Show, Lil would be 4.5 months in foal, so we decided to show in hand only.
We were booked in for Dilutes and ANSA classes on the Saturday, and Australian Stock Horse classes on the Sunday. Unfortunately the ANSA classes were cancelled, but it didn't matter, we were thrilled with the results anyways. Lil will go to Dilute Nationals led and under saddle the following weekend, and then have time out, relax and prepare for her bub, due in November.
Bless her heart, this mare is just a darling.
With thanks to Andrew and Katrine Graham from Kangra Photos, Christine Stone from Stonehaven Photos, and Jeanette Gower from Chalani Australian Stock Horses for the lovely pictures below.
Grand Champion Cremello / Perlino of Show, Champion Cremello / Perlino 4y and over. 4 1/2 months in foal.
Yes, she does take a lot of washing wink emoticon

after passing the Arabian Stallions showing off in the next ring .

Adelaide Royal Show - Reserve Champion Australian Stock Horse Mare or Filly.

Halt at the end of the trot line in the led workout

Her lovely expressive trot.

Team Skyview Stud .. photos taken 17 years apart.
28 December 2014

January 1998

Royal Adelaide Show 2015 Results
- Saturday 28th March and Sunday 29th March, 2014
So pleased with our little white girl Goldmine Latte-HSH's results, especially considering we had to wait until she was past the 75 day pregnancy scan to start getting her prepared and back under saddle. She's now 4 months in foal, and after only 5 weeks of gentle work including 3 weeks of riding, we chose to take her in led classes only for the Royal, to give us another week to prepare for National Dilutes under saddle.
Happy snaps below and official photos to come.
Goldmine Latte's results
Reserve Champion Australian Stock Horse Mare or Filly
Grand Champion Cremello / Perlino
Senior Champion Cremello / Perlino
Cremello Mare 4y & over - 1st
Ancillary Mare 4y & over - 2nd

Chilling in her RAS stables and making lots of new friends ..

Something to think about ..

SA Australian Stock Horse 2015 - 2yo State Futurity
Skyview Eternity-HSH (aka Tilly) and I came 3rd in the led and overall 3rd so I was stoked.
Happy snaps only. The StudMaster was an excellent help, and Eternity loaded up in the complete blackness perfectly, traveled perfectly, unloaded perfectly, bridled perfectly, behaved perfectly in the ring, tied to the float for 4 hours on and off and loaded and floated home perfectly. And I learnt a whole stack about futurities and have lots of things to work on and improve. Everyone decided she's going to be 16.1h maybe a titch more. So all in all a very good morning, we were home by 12.30pm and I'm absolutely thrilled with her.

Rookie error - unplaiting before the Futurity Presentation ... (didn't know there was one, won't make that mistake again .. learning opportunity for me). It does show how lovely Eternity's coat was though.

We are very saddened to write about the terrible bushfires which are currently raging through the Adelaide Hills. The fires remain in hilly and treed / scrubby country in the Southern Adelaide Hills and Ranges, which is very tricky to access and has a high fuel load.
All of the Hills came under threat on Saturday and Sunday, and is due to again with the wind change this coming Wednesday. It has been declared a major State Emergency by the Premier and SA Government.
Skyview Stud so far is very thankfully unaffected, being around 40km away, although on high alert, and with winds of 50kph we remain ready to evacuate. Current estimates are around 20 - 30 houses lost, however most properties in the 12,000 hectares impacted have lost all shedding and fencing. There has been an enormous response from the horse community, and hundreds if not thousands of horses have been evacuated.
We have close friends both fighting the fires, impacted and on the fringes of the red (fire) zone. Our hearts and prayers go out to them.
The recovery and rebuilding journey is going to be incredibly tough, seriously confronting and challenging for those who have potentially lost loved ones, their animals, their houses, their sheds and facilities, their fencing, their workplaces, their businesses, in any combination.
At the moment, all we can do is help those who are in need, and wait and pray the fire crews, aerial bombers and hundreds of emergency services people from SA, NSW and VIC can do the best they can to get the damn fire under control by Wednesday when temperatures are predicted in the high 30's again. The most amazing news for this morning is the weather bureau is now (from this morning) predicting 5 - 10mm of rain on Wednesday late afternoon and same on Thursday, so that is an absolute blessing, if it stays that way.
If it doesn't, or the wind changes direction, we all go into defence mode again.

Photo taken by a CFS volunteer - during the day

Quick update photo of Skyview Premier d'Or (aka Finn), our yearling paddock scrubber WB x ASHS.
Really looking forward to seeing him grow and mature. Should be a very nice all-round performance type with lots of lift and suspension and a lovely nature.
His dam Goldmine Latte-HSH is in foal to Regal Banquet xx this year for a heritage Australian Stock Horse baby (50% palomino / 50% buckskin), and Belcam Allure is in foal to Goldmine Mirage-HSH for the reverse cross to the one which produced Skyview Premier d'Or, of WB x heritage ASHS (foal will be 100% chance of palomino).
We're super excited about what our small breeding program is producing in temperament and movement.

Happy New Year!! This was the sunrise over our front paddocks, very early on 1st Jan, 2015.

2015 started fast and after 4 months of no riding due to selling our house, moving farming properties, Year 12 exams, settling everyone in and breeding season, Dee and I started back working. What a good girl - couple of days quick lunging to help leg-up and familiarise her with the new arena and surroundings, then straight on.
Day 3.
Hopped straight on, puddled around and then gave her to a friend to have a sit. What a lovely willing temperament she has and "listening ears".

Day 2 - second ride in 4 months

Skyview News - 2014
We were delighted to spend Hugh (aka The StudMaster)'s 50th Birthday celebration with family and friends at our new property. They're scattered all round Australia, so it was lovely to have them in one place.

Skyview Stud - breeders of tall, quality Dilutes
"Skyview aims to produce quality stock capable of performing in whatever area their owners choose to pursue, with a pedigree and the physical attributes to increase their chances of succeeding."

The Giant Children all grown up.

24/12/2014 - Xmas Eve
Thanks to the good grace and very hard work by Baileys Earthmovers (Ryan Bailey), Hills & Fleurieu Fencing (Ben Birks) and Centaur Transport Logistics for the round yard (Ryan O'Leary), we are excited to show you our new arena, finished Xmas Eve. Took us a little while to work out where the best position would be for an arena, but we are thrilled with the outcome.
It is 60m x 30m with an arena mix top and an attached 15m round yard for training youngsters.
Can't wait to give it a good work out for the 2 weeks after Xmas - really looking forward to our holidays.

What a wonderful view to be looking over.

before ....
Fencing ready to go

Posts in

Base complete for the arena and round yard.

Big machinery - lots of it.

Sand trucks bringing in 300 tonnes of top sand.

Big Red the post hole digger.

Wetting down the base to compact it.

Bob and Rolly
(as in Bob the Bobcat and Rolly the big Roller).

No more paddock grass. Gravel next.

A fleet of bulldozers and a grader.

Before - our paddock.

Finally, we got around to getting the new Skyview logo organised on a proof shirt and cap, with the help of the very professional Kym from AK Embroidery Art, who we met at Equitana.
Here's our trial one in the Skyview Team colours of bright blue and navy. They are really comfy, and ... apparently .... even the Giant Children are happy to wear one :)

It has been a massive couple of months at Skyview Stud, and we're looking forward to the Christmas break.
At the end of September we moved to our new property, not so much "moved" as "shifted", as we purchased the neighbour's property 2 doors down from us. 52 acres of beautiful Adelaide Hills land, with a lovely modern Mt Gambier stone home. At the moment there is not much horse infrastructure, and we look forward to creating this. New fencing, new troughs, new yards, new arena, and in the first half of 2015, a new stable block. Lots of hard but rewarding work ahead - now very much in planning mode.
This property allows us to have large open paddocks of around 7 acres, with lots of room for growing youngsters and our mares, to keep them active, strong and healthy.
We're also thrilled to announce that our youngest son has now completed his Year 12 schooling, attaining excellent results with a State Merit award in IT. It is a weird feeling having both sons now young men and moving on to their futures and studies, and we're pleased to have given them the best start that we could.
December 2014
Skyview Stud is absolutely delighted to announce that we have two mares in foal, due in Spring 2015.
The first foal - due 14 November 2015
Goldmine Latte-HSH (our National and State Champion Heritage Australian Stock Horse, ANSA and Dilute) is successfully in foal to Regal Banquet xx, for a palomino or buckskin heritage Australian Stock Horse foal.
Regal Banquet is a 16.2h bay Thoroughbred stallion, also registered with ANSA and soon to be Australian Stock Horse B2 registered. He was purchased at the 2006 Magic Millions National Weanling Sale by Linda Powell, and is successfully prepared and shown by Linda's daughter, Jayne Anderson.
Regal Banquet has won Champion Thoroughbred Stallion at Brisbane Royal Show 5 times in succession, and Champion ANSA Stallion twice. In 2014, he was Champion Ridden Stallion (all breeds) at the Brisbane Royal Show, and Supreme ANSA Exhibit at the Sydney Royal Show.
In 2010, Regal Banquet was awarded the Champion Thoroughbred Stallion title by Magic Millions.
He is from a Lunchtime line which is renowned for showing and dressage, and a proven broodmare line with his dam out of the 1981 Golden Slipper winner, Vaindarra. His temperament is unquestionable, still being shown in hand and ridden as a mature live-covering 9yo stallion, by his lady owner and her daughter.
We are absolutely thrilled with this mating, and very much look forward to seeing what the combination produces. 50% chance of palomino, 50% chance of buckskin.

The second foal - due 22 September 2015
Belcam Allure (our Elite ACE graded Warmblood young mare) is successfully in foal to Goldmine Mirage-HSH for Allure's first foal, a 100% guaranteed palomino Warmblood x Australian Stock Horse, around 16h - 16.2h.
This has been a long awaited foal, and is the exact mating Allure was purchased to produce as a 7 month old filly, back in 2010.
This will be the reverse cross (outstanding cherry red chestnut WB mare to cremello Heritage Australian Stock Horse) to the one that produced last year's foal, Skyview Premier d'Or. We're aiming for beautiful temperament, correct conformation and classy enough to be able to show successfully, and well suited to dressage or showjumping with it's dam's beautiful lift and suspension in movement (double x Argentinus / Souvenir xx).
The foal will be registerable with ACE, as a first x Australian Stock Horse, and with Dilutes Australia as palomino and ancillary.
The below short video clip shows the 32 day embryo moving around in the middle of the black fluid sack, and if you look really closely at the end, you can see the brand new fetal heart beat.

We're very much looking forward to our 2015 babies.
Dilutes Australia - State Championships 2014
- Saturday 29th November, 2014
In extremely hot weather, we bundled up the two sisters and took them to the Mt Pleasant Showgrounds.
This was Skyview Eternity-HSH's first time off the property and second time in the float, and Goldmine Latte-HSH was in foal and in pregnant mare paddock condition, which was less than ideal.
We are thrilled with their results, and received the nicest comment from the TAS Judge who said: "I hope you don't mind me saying this, I really like your cremello mare but the buckskin filly is going to be very very nice and I will keep track of you and her as she matures as she is something special".

Goldmine Latte's results
Grand Champion Cremello / Perlino
Senior Champion Cremello / Perlino
Grand Champion Ancillary
Senior Champion Ancillary
Skyview Eternity's results
*2014 State Futurity Champion*
Champion Junior Buckskin - Open Dilutes
Champion Junior Buckskin - Dilutes Australia
Junior Champion Ancillary
(came runner up to her sister Latte for Grand Champion)
Goldmine Latte-HSH and Skyview Eternity-HSH's joint results
1st place Owners Pair of Dilutes
1st place Best Progeny Pair
Best trot - placed 2nd and 3rd in an open field
Skyview Eternity-HSH (Tilly) - 2yo

Dilutes Australia - National Horse of the Year 2013 / 2014 results just announced ...
National Champion Palomino Mare Under Saddle - Skyview Stud's Coldstream Diamonds Are Forever - HSH
in her first season under saddle and as a 4yo. Well done, our Dee .

We went to an excellent presentation in the Adelaide Hills (Springton) yesterday on Foaling Emergencies, with Dr Brad Newman from Florida in the USA. Brad is an equine reproduction specialist who is flown out from the USA every year to work at Cornerstone Stud (ex Lindsay Park Stud) from 1 Sept to 15 Dec (for foaling season). Thought I'd share the most important things I learnt:
1) Horses have one of the lowest % of "bad births" amongst domestic farm animals, at 4%. Cattle are much higher at around 12% and sheep higher again at around 16% - 18%. But when it does go wrong with horses, it tends to go very wrong very quickly. Horses have fast births because as prey animals, the universe wanted the mare lying down for the least amount of time possible, and then foal up and mare up and keeping up with the herd.
2) if the foal isn't out in 30 mins from the start of Stage II, (water breaks and she's having active contractions), then usually the foal won't survive. This is because in horses, the placenta starts to separate from the start of Stage II labour, and the foal will not receive enough oxygen after 30 mins to survive. So if you don't see the head and two front feet in a normal presentation, make the call to your vet really early and have a kit prepared with ropes etc if needed. If the foal slides out fine then it's not a wasted call. If the vet is further than 30 minutes away, YOU are going to have to do everything you can to get it out in the meantime.
Foals not receiving enough oxygen during birth is what leads to "dummy foals", as they have been oxygen deprived therefore have some level of brain damage.
Katherine's added feedback:
Can I just add to the 30 minute thing though.....Never Give Up. While the *likelihood* of a live foal will diminish the longer the delivery time, there is still a chance even after a couple of hours that the foal will be born alive, or revivable. And even if a foal is born dead, it is always worth a go trying to revive. Miracles do happen.
3) if the foal is displaced (ie not 2 front feet and a nose coming out) and you can see or feel feet, you / your vet if they can fix it in time (30 mins), has a chance to reposition the foal and get it out alive. If you cant see or feel feet in the birth canal (which is the whole of your arm up to the shoulder and sometimes still out of reach in a big horse), then it is highly unlikely the foal will survive as there is nothing to grab onto to pull.
** one of the most important things to have on hand if a foal has trouble passing through the vagina and gets stuck there is Lubricant. If you can lubricate this area, quite often the foal can slip out more easily.
If you work out you have the back legs coming out first (through feeling in there), keep going and help to get the foal out. You are never going to push back legs back in with the mare contracting against you, and the best thing to do is get it out so it can start breathing, as the placenta will be more detached already than if it is a normal "front feet first" birth.
4) if you have to do an extraction (ie pull the foal out), up to the strength of 2 men is ok to use. And it is very hard, physical work to re-position or extract a work (think whole of man strength and seeing stars through effort)
Katherine's feedback:
An analogy for the "two men's strength" thing...
Imagine you are moving furniture and need to get something through a doorway. You have your two strong men manhandling that item, but if it doesn't fit, adding more men to push harder is not going to solve the problem and may do damage in the process. All you need to do is change the angle, or reposition and the item will go through.
The pelvis is a rigid structure like the doorway...get the alignment right, and the strength of two men will be all you need. (sounds so easy doesn't it)
5) if you see a red mince looking bag before the foal, that means the placenta has detached and you have to get the foal out NOW as it will not have much oxygen left. This is the second most critical foaling episode of any.
6) Caesareans are usually aimed at recovering the foal and not the mare, as the chances of mare survival are very very low. Usually a c-section is done if the mare is not going to live and you're trying to save the foal only.
7) retained placenta is bad and you need to call the vet if it's not out within 3 hours because the retained tissue starts to die (necrose), and then releases toxins which are absorbed through the mare's blood stream and cause septicemia and foaling laminitis. Retained placenta does not impact future fertility.
8) if you've had to call a vet and you are unsuccessful yourself in repositioning the foal, if you can get the mare up and standing somewhere with her hindquarters elevated, that can help to slow down the contractions.
9) if the foal is deceased, the emphasis moves to saving the mare, and in these cases most times the way they do this is having to remove the foal but not in one piece (sorry to have to say that, but better to know and then forget than not know).
10) Prolapses. The more force that is used to extract the foal, the more likely it is that some internal organ will come with it. Sometimes the mare pushes so hard that her internal organs may follow. This could be her uterus, the bladder (that lies underneath the birth canal) or the rectum (which lies on top of the birth canal). The most important thing is keeping anything unusual that has come out clean and contained and not letting the mare step on it, until the vet gets there.
Uterine prolapses are usually fatal. Even if it gets put back in, there are lots of major blood vessels that are in and surrounding the uterus, and it is most likely even when the uterus is repositioned, a blood vessel will break and the mare will bleed to death.
Bladder prolapses are usually ok, even if they turn inside out. Rectal prolapses tend to have a good outcome as well.
11) If you have the terrible experience of losing a foal, make your best efforts to milk the mare to save the colostrum. Try for 250mls every 30 mins for the first 3 hours, and write on the side of the bag the IgG (if you have a spectrometer), the time, date and mare's name. One tragedy can help to save multiple of your future foals and the colostrum can be saved in the freezer for years to come.
Katherine's added comment:
Milking mares whose foals have died at birth....milk as much as you can. Depending on the mare, you might get anything from 100 - 400ml per milking. Give an hour or so between milkings, measure each collection's quality with a refractometer and record it, and keep collecting until the quality drops below ~25. Portion your collections into lots of 200-250ml for freezing (as you would never tube/feed a newborn foal more than that amount at a time). From an average sized mare, with average udder and average quality of colostrum, you should end up with around 1.5L of useable colostrum after milking out after a dead foal.
How much colostrum would you need in general to save an orphan foal's life?
For an average TB size foal, you would be wanting at least a litre of good quality colostrum.
12) the Very Most Important Thing is a clean and tidy paddock / stable that is free of manure / wire / falling down fencing / any form of sharp object / slush / mud / dam. Immunity is very low in new foals and birthing is a trauma to the mare, and clean and tidy surroundings make a bigger difference to foal and mare survival than anything else.
13) Foal meconium can be very dry and hard to pass as the foal hasn't had much to drink yet. If the foal is uncomfortably straining, use a Fleet enema in their anus to make it easier. Two if you absolutely have to if the meconium still hasn't passed in an hour. Not more, because the enema contains electrolytes and you can upset the foal's electrolyte balance.
14) Dr Newman suggested (and knew this would be controversial) that dipping navels in iodine is too harsh. If you have to use something, they use Chlorhexidine, but a clean foaling area is much more important than dipping in iodine.
15) Ideally, check the quality of the mare's colostrum 1 hour after birth with a spectrometer, and it should be in the range 25+. Any lower than that, call the vet.
16) Get the vet to check the IgG of the foal (on the spot blood test with the special test tubes) 12 hours after birth. 800 nanograms / decilitre is ideal. 600 is borderline ok. Anything less than that, discuss with your vet whether the foal requires plasma.
17) Miniatures have the highest % of foaling difficulties (I think he mentioned around 20% of births are difficult but I might be wrong on that). They are extremely tricky. Including a particular issue where foals are not strong enough to break the bag and tend to drown if foaling unattended. They are also the most common breed for bad foal presentation and position ie upside down, sideways, back coming first, twisted etc). If you have minis, you NEED to be there when they foal down.
18) Given that horses have the lowest incidence of difficulties, you have a 96% chance of everything going perfectly fine!! It is very important to be there during the foaling if you possibly can, and foaling alarms are a godsend when you are exhausted after being up and down for multiple nights on "foal watch".
Brad also showed us and talked through all the different positions and what to do and the success rates, but that definitely needs to be shown visibly, so for those who get the opportunity to go next time, it's Definitely Worth It.
Hopes this help others too.
Huge thanks to Georgia from FoalGuard Foaling Alarms for sponsoring the event and travelling all the way from Ballarat to be there and Katherine Szalay Evans for organising the presentation and making it happen.
19/08/14 - Skyview Stud is Moving!!
We're thrilled to announce that Skyview Stud is moving at the end of September 2014, but not very far ... we have purchased the neighbour's place!!
A wonderful 52.4 acres with a Mt Gambier stone home only 800m from us, on the same road, and a testament to the current owners who built it 14 years ago. Lovely position, fantastic land, hay paddocks, turnout paddocks, 7 acre broodmare paddock and 6 acre young horse paddock which you look over from the kitchen, with a new arena and stable block to come. Oh, and car shedding :). Lots of work to do, but lots of return to come.
Giant thanks to everyone who helped to put the finishing touches on our place in a very short space of time, and Dee-Anne Hunt from Harcourts Adelaide Hills for finalising the sale, in only 10 days from listing. We were very excited to know that Louise & her family have been looking for the right property for 7 years, and know she will be very very happy here, as we have been.
5 weeks to go .....

03/08/14 - Skyview Stud ... Web Site hits!!
Wow, have a look at this ... first time we have looked at our web site statistics, and what a surprise ... in the dead of winter, we've had 192 Unique Visitors, 33% new Visitors and 688 page views for our web site!!
Just goes to show how many other people are also interested in beautiful Australian dilute horses. What an honour and a responsibility. Thank you to those who check back with us regularly.
For those who want to have a look-see, we'll make sure we keep our site updated with the goings on in Southern Australia, and the journey our stud is taking.

27/07/14 - Skyview Stud ... it's winter and it's yukky
Well, we have had the most awful 3 weeks of rain, sludge, mud, paddocks with water through them, but today, is about the best day of winter. Tomorrow back to the rain.
And today, one sneaky sunrise, one beautiful, clear-skied but freezing day, and the hope of Spring around the corner ...
27/07/14 - Breeder Comparisons - loved it - what kind of horse or dog breeder are you?
This applies in the horse world too. This is very well done

24/05/14 - Skyview Stud ...
2 days later, and this morning .. "It was all Yellow".
And it's official ... below is from the Bureau of Meteorology
"ADELAIDE recorded its warmest streak for the month of May on Thursday, matching a record set nearly a century ago.
The temperature at Kent Town reached 25.4C at 2pm, making it the 10th consecutive day of 22C or more this month — equalling a record set in May 1918.Another record of 12 days above 22C was set in 1957 - but ranging across May and June.
This is compared to May’s average daytime maximum of 18.9C.
The warm spell comes after Adelaide recorded its coldest start to May on record and the chilliest May day in more than three decades, when the maximum was just 12C on May 2.
Bureau of Meteorology senior climatologist Darren Ray said the mild weather was “pretty unusual” for this time of year.""
22/05/14 - Skyview Stud
2 days later and this morning the colour choice was reds and oranges ...

20/05/14 - Skyview Stud - a week of truly amazing sunrises ...
3 days later, no words necessary ...

17/05/14 - Skyview Stud - feeding up in the mornings ...
It is difficult to show you just how beautiful the sunrises are here at Skyview Stud - particularly at the moment as they are most unusual for May.
Hopefully this will help .. Saturday 17th May 2014, 7:02am.
16/05/14 - PS Arabesque - update ...
Remember our beautiful girl Jazz (PS Arabesque, by Aramis IMP) who we parted with in 2011 when starting up our Dilute stud? The lovely lady in VIC who purchased her sent through some photos of Jazzie yesterday. Here she is with her 2yo gelding (paddock name Bobby) by Bloomfield Stud's Furst Love IMP (Furst Heinreich x a Sandro Hit / Rubinstein mare).
Loved this mare who was my riding horse for over 10 years. Cried for a month when she left.
So good when you find the right person for their next stage in their life.
Think her gelding is pretty darn swish too - almost a carbon copy except he didn't get her star. Natarsha says he is the quietest and friendliest boy ever.
Good mothers are very important when it comes to foal temperament, huh.


Paddock picture taken 2 days ago of our rich chocolately brown buckskin yearling filly, Skyview Eternity (Tilly). As you can see she's reasonably bum high at the moment as she has lots of growing to do.
Her 3yo turning 4yo in November paddock mate, Skyview Champagne Rose, is about 16h at the top of the hindquarters. These girls are 1/2 sisters and out of the same dam as our Goldmine Latte.

Today we went and picked Allie up from her breaking in. This is Linda O'Leary riding her after Jed Marshall under John O'Leary's tutelage broke her in. She''ll now be turned out until Spring 2014.
With thanks to John for the lovely photos, and to our dear friends, my family and especially Dr Andrew Loose for supporting her recovery and our journey so far. Good Girl Allie xo
Belcam Allure is currently 4 years old, and an Elite ACE graded Australian Warmblood mare, receiving a score of 85% for movement from the international assessor and notoriously tough marker, Gerd Kuest.
This included a 9 for walk, 8.5 for trot, 9 for canter and 9 for swing / elasticity.
She currently around 16.2h and 4yo and we purchased her as a 7 month old as a future broodmare. She is a double cross of Argentinus (HAN) with Souvenir (TB) as her great grandfather.
Allie's breaking in was delayed by a year due to a very serious injury last year.

03/05/14 - Autumn at Skyview Stud ...
And now a break from the horse photos ... here is our home, Skyview Stud, in the Adelaide Hills in the Australian Autumn. We're so lucky to live in a place like this ...
Pathway to the arena ...

The mare and foal paddock below the house ...

The beautiful trees between the house,
the stable block and the man shed.

A quiet place to sit and ponder ...

Autumn crocuses peeping their heads out

John O'Leary "test driving" Allie to see how she's progressing.
Second ride by me with Allie. Please excuse the graininess of the photos - they were taken at distance.
We think it is very important that all of our youngsters / future broodmares can be ridden by amateurs (like me) as well as professionals, as their test of temperament and rideability is under saddle.
It is an expensive investment at $2,500 to $3,000 for each one broken in, but we think well worth it as it enables us to have a very good idea of what temperament and movement of riding horse each mare will potentially produce.

09/04/14 - Royal Adelaide Autumn Horse Show
Official photos
Coldstream Diamonds Are Forever - HSH (2009).
Royal Adelaide Autumn Horse Show - Dee's first Royal Show and 4th show ever.
With huge thanks to Andrew and Katrine Graham of Kangra Photography, who have been there to capture special moments for us from the very first day.

Best Presented Horse & Handler - 3rd
Best Bred to Type Horse - 2nd
Dual / Multi Registered Horse over 14 hands - 2nd
Open Palomino mare 4yo and over - 2nd
Dilutes Australia registered Palomino mare 4yo and over - 2nd
Ancillary Mare 4 years and over - 1st
Senior Champion Ancillary - Champion
Smartest On Parade - 2nd
Ridden Dilute 15.2h and over - 1st

Today we went out to see Belcam Allure's 5th ride under saddle, and how her leg is progressing. This is our very special warmblood filly, technically she is really a mare now as a 4yo, who severely injured her near hind leg 12 months ago, requiring months of stabling, 2 x plastering and months of rehabilitation.
With the vet's blessing, we are trying her in the breaking in process, as she is such an incredible mover and amazing temperament, that we owe it to Allie to try.
We're delighted to report that at this point, "things are going well". See what you think ...

Delta's first Royal Show, 4 years of age, happened to be in season, and what a lovely girl she was regardless.
Very unusually hot weather for the end of March in South Australia, being in the low 30 degrees. Usually it is getting colder and rainy by now. A very long hot day in the ring, from 10am - 5.45pm.
Results as follows for Coldstream Diamonds Are Forever-HSH. Well done Dee.
Best Presented Horse & Handler - 3rd (out of all of the Dilutes, including Supreme and Champion Riding Ponies, so we were completely thrilled)
Best Bred to Type Horse - 2nd
Dual / Multi Registered Horse over 14 hands - 2nd
Open Palomino mare 4yo and over - 2nd
Dilutes Australia registered Palomino mare 4yo and over - 2nd
Ancillary Mare 4 years and over - 1st
Senior Champion Ancillary - Champion
Smartest On Parade - 2nd - sooo wonderfully happy as we were the only non-plaited, non quarter marked, single bridle horse in the line-up.
Ridden Dilute 15.2h and over - 1st

What an adventure we had!!
In the pouring rain and wind, Dee and Wendy and I took Allie all the way through the traffic in town, out to Gainsborough at Golden Grove and Jed Marshall, for him to see if Allie's leg might be strong enough for her to be broken in. Almost a year to the day from when she was injured.
Both floated perfectly for the 1 1/2 hours it took to get there, in serious traffic, unloaded perfectly, we put Dee in the round yard and Allie in the yard, wandered around a bit and looked at Jed's boy to let everyone settle, then loaded Dee back up and came all the way home up the freeway for 1 1/4 hours to home. Even Marjory the car behaved herself.
Dee was perfect company and a wonderful stable influence, and Allie did not put a foot, whisker or muscle out of place. Gosh she's a lovely horse.
Our two 4yo mares waiting (for Uncle Hugh to change a tyre on the float) with their float boots on. Dee wants me to tell you the new hind ones did feel a bit funny, and Allie hasn't had hinds on before.
We took them to eat grass with the boots on for 10 mins, while Hugh pumped up the float tyres too to make sure we were all "good to go".
Sunday afternoon traffic in Adelaide. Not one foot did either girl move. Next time we go, I have to turn right at this corner.
It is a bit mind boggling travelling in this kind of traffic with two 4yos on, one of whom has only gone around the block 4 times before. Bless Dee for being Allie's Stable Influence.
Today, the photo below of Our Blush and her "twins" was chosen as the cover photo for the Responsible Horse Breeders Network Facebook page. The Administrators asked us to write her story, and what she had taught us during her time in our care. Here's what we wrote.
"The Administrators have asked me to provide some background to this photo. First, I must say to have this photo put up is a true Honour and a Privilege, and totally unbeknownst to me.
This is our (Skyview Stud's) foundation mare, Goldmine Champagne Blush - HSH. She is a heritage Australian Stock Horse, and also 12.5% Arabian. She was 23 years old when this photo was taken about 12 months ago, and passed away around 6 weeks ago, cantering in the paddock with her mates on a Sunday morning, from a heart attack. We had the absolute honour of being Blushie's guardian from the time she was 21yo until her passing at 24 years of age.

Blush was an extremely successful show mare. Her sire, Claredale Champagne Charlie - HSH was one of the two most successful palomino sires in Australia, the other being the magnificent Chico d'Oro.
I would completely biasedly say Blush was the most successful of all of the Champagne Charlie progeny. Amongst other accolades, she won Melbourne Royal Champion Palomino Mare 6 years in a row before retiring to stud to be a broodmare. We already owned her 2003 cremello filly foal and had done since the filly was 7mo. Her 2003 filly is our State Champion ASHS, 3 of 4 years led and Ridden Supreme Champion Dilute, and National Champion Dilute Ridden Hack / Reserve National Champion Dilute Led mare. She has also won 2 x Reserve Champion Open Hack awards.
We were sooo pleased with the filly, that when we were offered the opportunity to purchase the mare, as a 21yo in foal, (with thanks to my hubby) we took it. One of my best friends came with me to visit the Stud in 2010, and when we first met Blush, I burst into tears for absolutely no reason and sobbed for about the next month it took to convince myself that we could purchase her. I just knew the moment Blush and I laid eyes on each other, she was saying "well, thank goodness you've arrived, because I've been waiting for you for 21 years. Can we go home now?"
My friend and my mentor both said that very rarely does a tadpole / start up breeder get to purchase a mare of this quality, and this one was only for offer because the stud was closing down due to one of the principal's terribly unwell health, and that if we could afford it, it was an unbelievable and "hardly ever happens in life" opportunity.
In the 3 years we owned her, Blush had two filly foals, a lovely chestnut filly who will be rising 4yo this year and willcome out to compete at the end of 2014, and the buckskin on the left hand side of this photo, born 2012. The buckskin filly was a miracle foal, as prior to Blush's planned chilled AI service, she was diagnosed as Category 3 infertile, with a 0 - 2% chance of getting pregnant, and having a uterus that was able to sustain the foal to a full term pregnancy. Such a low chance in fact that my vet would not inseminate her, as he did not want us to waste our money. I think at the time, I cried for a fortnight. We would not have my next heart horse, had it not been for the selfless act of another breeder.
A very dear friend offered to have a go with her beautifully bred ASHS black stallion, and "see how we went", and by some miracle, the mare fell pregnant, and delivered a stunning, brown buckskin filly - the filly who is and will be my next and "do everything together" heart horse.
We paddocked Blush and her filly with two other mares and foals, around the same age. Her "best friend" Spirit, foaled the buckskin filly on the right, 3 days after Blush's filly was born. When both fillies was around 10 weeks old, her best friend Spirit, passed away from terrible colic (the vet put Spirit down in my arms).
Never in our wildest dreams did we ever imagine that Blush, who was Queen of our Horses, would adopt Spirit's foal, and yet 10 days after Spirit passed (we left the 2 mares and 3 foals paddocked together), this happened. The Vets are still astounded, and have not ever heard of another mare adopting a 11 week old orphan foal before. We were all amazed that Our Blush "stood up", and did what it took to raise her best mate's foal, as well as her own, as a 23yo mare.
These fillies are now yearlings, and unfortunately we parted with the one on the right, as we chose to retain the filly of the two that was best able to represent our breeding and future pathway.
Around 6 - 7 weeks ago, our dear Blush unfortunately passed away from a heart attack, whilst being the Governess for the third filly born last year, with our very dear friends and neighbours across the road. She passed within 2 minutes, with the grace, and dignity that was Our Blush, and not a mark on her. Exactly the way a mare like this deserves. I think a part of my heart and soul went with her.
Goldmine Champagne Blush - HSH - you were a miracle horse, you taught me that you don't have to be the biggest, or the strongest, to still be "in charge", but that that comes about with presence, grace, dignity and in the way you hold yourself. You stood up exactly when needed, you absolutely ensure those around you were taken care of and supported with everything you were capable of, and you've shown and proven yourself to be not only an excellent Show mare and type, but an excellent mother. My life has been significantly changed for the better, because of you. And now I've had the joy of seeing that that same strong maternal instinct and guidance has been passed to your daughter.
May you rest in Peace. One day I can only hope we meet again."
To sum up what I learned from Blush, it would be four major things:
- "Quality, is just Quality. You can see it, breathe it, and as soon as you clap your eyes on it, you just know. It is ethereal, it is magical, and you just know when you have walked into it's presence"
- "The true test of a Great performance or Show mare, is it's ability to also be an Excellent mother. It is not enough just to be an excellent performer, we also want them to be excellent Nurturers, great Teachers, and have the ability to Step Straight Up and Be Counted in finding a solution when those around you you care about Need It. I think the same is true with humans.
- It is much better financially and from the future of the quality your Stud produces perspective, particularly given this absolutely crap (from a financial perspective) market, to invest in one or two top shelf and proven quality and results mares, and pay a significant amount of money for them if you have to (like $10k - $15k), than have 3 to 5 or more "sort of nice but not Incredible Drop Dead Outstanding" mares that you then try and market the progeny from. Proven Is Everything.
- The one Blushie taught my kids ... "You don't have to be the biggest, or the strongest, or the toughest, or the most "in your face" to be In Charge. You just need to be the Wisest and that that comes about with presence, grace, dignity and in the way you portray yourself with those around you. Blushie was pretty much the shortest mare we had on the place, and definitely the oldest, but she was still very much In Charge, without ever leaving a mark on anyone, ever.
Bless her cotton socks. I still miss her every day, but I know I was soooo lucky we found each other."
I have two new quotes to focus on for the rest of this year.
"The Mark of a Champion is Consistency"
Ron Barassi, AFL
"Success is the Celebration of Preparation"
Laurie Lawrence, Swimming Coach
Wendy's beautiful 7yo granddaughter, Taylah, and Skyview Premier d'Or (aka Finn), at 8 weeks of age.
He has such a lovely temperament

Sunrise at Skyview Stud, 6.15am, Wednesday. Good morning world.
18 January 2014
Our friend Kate has met a new man - and he's a bit of a Hunny . I think he thinks she is too.
Skyview Premier d'Or at 8 weeks (colt).

Valē - Goldmine Champagne Blush-HSH.
It is with great sadness and the joy of celebrating an incredible life, that we announce our beautiful palomino foundation mare Blush (aka Miss Blush Rushworth / Blushie-Rush), passed away gracefully 12/01/2014 at 8am this morning from a heart attack. No warning, no suffering, after her normal morning 3 laps of the paddock with her two mates, Miss Kitty and Mr Jack, at 24 years of age. So lucky that I gave her a giant hug and lots of love yesterday late afternoon.Sired by Claredale Champagne Charlie-HSH, dam of Goldmine Figurine-HSH, Goldmine Latte-HSH, Goldmine Mirage-HSH, Goldmine Phantom-HSH (dec), Skyview Champagne Rose-HSH, and Skyview Eternity-HSH.
Grand-Dam of Skyview Premier d'Or.
Goodbye, Farewell, fly free with the Angels, our sweet Blush.
My life has been filled with joy by you and your babies. You made my heart sing just to see you in the mornings, and it was the greatest honour to be your Guardian in those last years.
With my thanks to Hugh, Patty and Peter at this difficult time for their friendship, love, and support.
Second photo below was taken just 2 weeks ago. A piece of my heart has gone with you, Our Blush x.
I'll lend you for a little while
My grandest foal, He said.
For you to love while she's alive
And mourn for when she's dead.
It may be one or twenty years,
Or days or months , you see.
But, will you, till I take her back,
Take care of her for me?
She'll bring her charms to gladden you,
And should her stay be brief,
You'll have treasured memories
As solace for your grief.
I cannot promise she will stay,
Since all from earth return.
But, there are lessons taught on earth
I want this foal to learn.
I've looked the wide world over
In my search for teachers true.
And from the throngs that crowd life's lanes,
With trust, I have selected you.
Now will you give her your total love?
Nor think the labor vain,
Nor hate Me when I come
To take her back again?
I know you'll give her tenderness
And love will bloom each day.
And for the happiness you've known!
Forever grateful stay.
But should I come and call for her
Much sooner than you'd planned
You'll brave the bitter grief that comes
And someday you'll understand
For though I'll call her home to Me
This promise to you I do make,
For all the love and care you gave
She'll wait for you, inside Heaven's Gate.
6 years consecutively, Melbourne Royal Show Champion Palomino Mare.

photo taken 27th December, 2013 (2 weeks ago) at 24 years of age

Blushie's rose that was be buried with her. From our garden. There was only one, and it is perfect for her. A mature, golden blushing rose in full bloom.

Skyview Stud is thrilled to bits to announce the official launch of the Green Horse and Rider classes, this Sunday, at the Adelaide Hills Dressage Club, link here.
Designed to encourage new riders to dressage and new horses (including youngies), this includes Preparatory (walk trot), Preliminary, and if there is interest, Novice dressage tests.
Tests are cheaper in price, unofficial so tidy person riding gear and clothing only, and no plaiting is required. All tests are marked and full comments given, but scores are not added up (riders can do this themselves) or recorded, with no placings.
For this Sunday's ribbons, we've chosen the light blue ones
Good luck on Sunday everybody, and have a Great Time.
Skyview News - 2014
It's what you do
And the way you make others feel"
My words to live by for 2014.
Bring It On.
30 December 2013
A mother and her son - 5 weeks of age.

15 December 2013
Dilutes Australia - State Championships 2013 - Sunday 15th December, 2013

We were very pleased with Delta's natural coat colour and shine on the day, especially as she was entered in the ridden classes next, therefore no conditioner or shine was added to her coat.

Pretty girl.

Second ever outing under saddle ... Reserve Champion Dilute ridden. Good girl Dee.

Some mornings are just golden, and we are reminded continuously why we use Skyview as our prefix.
Have a look at the beautiful sunrise this morning ... captured on a little iPhone 4s camera

We are thrilled to announce the arrival of Skyview Premier d'Or, a golden palomino colt by Le Primeur (Han-IFS) out of our national champion mare Goldmine Latte-HSH. His name means "the First Golden One" and was proposed by Gail Rossington in QLD. We loved the name as it is Lil's first foal, and the first palomino by the superstar Hanoverian stallion Le Primeur in the world.
We have chosen his paddock name to be Finn. When you look up his dam's paddock name Lil (Lilly) you find "The flower lily is a symbol of innocence; purity and beauty", and of course because she is white.
Finn is an English, Irish and old German (after his German sire) name which means "blonde", "fair", "white", or "bright". "Finn is a name with enormous energy and charm, that of the greatest hero of Irish mythology. Finn McCool was an intrepid warrior with mystical supernatural powers, noted as well for his wisdom and generosity".
Mum and baby are doing very well.
Photos at 4 days of age

Late November 2013

Early November 2013
CS Diamonds Are Forever has been having some Saturday morning lessons at Victor Harbor with Linda O'Leary. Linda is fabulous with young, green horse training, and the loading and travelling for an hour and a half each way has been a really good learning experience for Delta. Turned out from early June to early October 2013, she is coming along nicely.
Linda riding Delta below

Excellent news from Susie and Tim who purchased our Phoebe (Skyview Party Girl) in late-2011. Have a look at them go!! Very proud of you both xx.
Nothing makes one's heart more glad than seeing a horse sold, 2 years later, with such a great family and having an awesome time together

Sunday 29th September, 2013
Dilutes Australia - SA Classics
(The first of the two main double points shows in the SA Dilutes calendar.)
We took Miss Dee (CS Diamonds Are Forever) to her first ever grown up show, the Dilutes SA Classic (a mixed breed show) and she did really well. Coat not entirely out yet, but behaved well, and ridden for the first time out.
CS Diamonds Are Forever's results
2 x Senior Champion Palomino (led)
- Open and Dilutes Australia ring
Grand Champion Ancillary
Senior Champion Ancillary
Reserve Champion Ridden Dilute
1st place Best Conformation Dilute (any colour)
1st place Best Coat Colour (palomino)
1st place Best Dual Registered Dilute (any colour)

Delta's first ever ribbon as an adult.


First time out under saddle and first show since she went out once as a yearling. ... we were very proud of her. Ridden pictures posted so we can mark the change and improvement over the next 12 months.

2012 / 2013 Show Season
November 2013 - Dilutes Australia 2012/ 2013 National High Point Horse of the Year Awards
Goldmine Latte's results
HOTY Cremello Halter Mare 4yrs and over
HOTY Cremello Mare Under Saddle 4yrs and over
HOTY Cremello Open Performance - Hacking
HOTY Ancillary Halter Mare 4yrs and over
HOTY Ancillary Mare Under Saddle
Not bad, 5 National Titles and a golden colt this season. Well done Lil.

August 2013
Dilutes Australia 2012 / 2013 SA High Point Horse of the Year Awards
A big thank you to both the Dilutes Australia - SA Branch and the DA National Committee and Organisers, my family and competitor-mates for a fantastic year showing in Dilutes, topped off by the very exciting news that Lil is pregnant to Le Primeur (Hanoverian Celle stallion - International Frozen Semen) and due on 30 November.
SA High Point Any Other Dilute Mare:- Goldmine Latte, Skyview Stud
SA High Point Dilute Under Saddle 14hh-15.2hh:- Goldmine Latte, Skyview Stud
SA High Point Dilute Hack:- Goldmine Latte, Skyview Stud
SA High Point Ancillary Mare:- Goldmine Latte, Skyview Stud
trophies presented by Dave Maclean, President, Dilutes Australia - SA Branch

4 May 2013
Delta (Coldstream Diamonds Are Forever) has commenced a week of "under saddle" education with John and Linda O'Leary of Gainsborough Equestrian Centre, in SA.
We're very excited to see Delta develop, and looking forward to having her out performing in Spring 2013.
Delta is currently on our For Sale page and available for purchase, priced according to her current level of education.
If not sold, we will compete her in breed classes and dressage until the next youngster (Skyview Champagne Rose-HSH) is broken in and going, at the end of 2014.
Welcome to being a riding horse, CS Diamonds Are Forever, our Dee.
Green broken and in her winter woolies. At John & Linda's magnificent property overlooking Victor Harbor in South Australia
"Bella Vista"

4 May 2013
Tribute to our foundation mare Goldmine Champagne Blush
We thought this photo was a fitting tribute to our beautiful foundation mare, Goldmine Champagne Blush, snapped just today, with her "real" and final foal, Skyview Eternity (Tilly), and her "adopted" foal, Skyview Reflections (Georgia). Unfortunately we lost Georgia's dam to a terrible colic attack when she was just 10 weeks old, but through some miracle, Blush adopted both. We think it is because she, like us, finds the "Twins" very difficult to tell apart!!
It is likely we will wean the foals next weekend, and dear Blushie will commence her final retirement, to live "Happily Ever After".

At rising 24 years of age, Blushie is a daughter of the illustrious Claredale Champagne Charlie - HSH, and one of the most successful palomino show mares in Australia, having won Melbourne Royal 6 years in a row.
Blush is also the dam of the 6 foals shown below. If you click on the blue ones, their page will open up.
- Goldmine Figurine - HSH (15.2h cremello mare owned by our dear friends Sarah Gray and Richard Hirst of Pegasus Lodge Australian Stock Horse Stud)
- Goldmine Latte - HSH (our 15.1h cremello performance mare, now in foal)
- Goldmine Mirage - HSH (16.1h cremello stallion, frozen semen retained)
- Goldmine Phantom - HSH (15.2h cremello stallion, deceased as a result of a snakebite as a 6yo in NSW)
- Skyview Champagne Rose - HSH (estimated 16.0 / 16.1h chestnut filly, retained by Skyview Stud)
- Skyview Eternity - HSH (estimated 16.1 / 16.2h buckskin filly, retained by Skyview Stud)
Bless you Our Blushie, you truly are a Champion and a Superstar ♥
We are delighted to announce that Goldmine Latte (Lil) is confirmed 120 days in foal to Le Primeur (Hanoverian, IFS), and due 27 November 2013. Good one Lil.
I'm betting it's a colt ... we surely couldn't be fortunate enough for 5 fillies in a row ... and we really don't mind either way.
2012 / 2013 Royal Adelaide Show
Saturday 2nd March, 2013
The Royal Adelaide Show was designed to be Lil's swansong for this stage in her journey, as she was around 70 days in foal to Le Primeur (Hanoverian, IFS).
With Jeanette Gower's words of wisdom still ringing in our ears "Pregnancy is not an illness, Jen", and with a swollen hind leg caused by a hard knock 24 hours before, we set off for the Royal Adelaide Show, in the first Dilute classes for many many years. We were delighted with our results, and thank our friends, mates and families for their support, kindness and generosity to Lil and I, over the last few years.
Goldmine Latte's results
Champion Ridden Dilute of Show
- 1st Ridden Dilute 14.2 - 15.2h
- 1st Ridden Dilute Hack
- 1st Educated Dilute
- 1st Pleasure Dilute
- 1st Ridden Ancillary
Grand Champion Any Other Dilute (Led)
Senior Champion Any Other Dilute (Led)
Senior Champion Ancillary (Led)
the beautiful garlands, sponsored by National Dilutes of Australia

the Hallowed Turf ... to be revered and held in the highest esteem

Grand Champion Any Other Dilute

Our first Blue at a Royal in ridden classes - Ridden Dilute 14.2 - 15.2h

Champion Ridden Dilute of Show

Homecomings for the day
There's a leetle bit of uphill in that horse ...

11 March 2013
Goldmine Champagne Blush-HSH at 24 years of age, with her last foal, Skyview Eternity-HSH, and her "adopted" foal Skyview Reflections. We lost Reflections' dam Marine Spirit (TB) to colic when the filly was 10 weeks of age. Blush and Spirit were best friends.
Bless her heart, 10 days after Spirit passed away, Blush did what any superb mother would, and adopted her best friend's baby.
This photo was taken about 2 days after both had started to drink.

8 March 2013
Skyview Stud 2013 Filly Foals - The Three Amigos.
This is how we'd like our future riding horse to be raised, with a childhood filled with joy, happiness and knowing the rules of the game.
24 February 2013
Skyview Stud - our Sunrise series this morning. Nature is incredibly beautiful.

16 February 2013
When Three Is Company. Our two brown buckskin and one brown 2013 fillies.
We began calling them The Three Musketeers at this point, for obvious reasons.
This photo was taken 2 days after Skyview Reflections (Georgia) was orphaned at 10 weeks of age.

14 February 2013
Today was a truly tragic day. We lost our beautiful thoroughbred mare, Marine Spirit (ASB) to colic, leaving behind her 10 week old filly foal, Skyview Reflections. We are going to do everything in our power to raise Georgia (Skyview Reflections) and keep the promise we have made to her dam that we will make sure she is taken care of and looked after.
Fly swiftly and with the angels, sweet Spirit.

4th Dilutes Australia
SA State Championships
Sunday 16th December, 2012
(The second of the two major double points shows in the SA Dilutes calendar)
Goldmine Latte's results
Supreme Led Exhibit of Show
Betty Hosking Memorial Trophy for Supreme Dilute of Show
(sponsored by Doralmir Park Pony Stud)
Grand Champion Any Other Dilute
Grand Champion Ancillary

Dilutes Australia - SA Classics
- Sunday 16th September, 2012
(The first of the two main double points shows in the SA Dilutes calendar.)
Goldmine Latte's results
Supreme Led Exhibit of Show
Grand Champion Any Other Dilute
Grand Champion Ancillary
Champion Ridden Dilute

2011 / 2012 Show Season Results
Wrap up for the 2011 / 12 Performance and Show Season
2011 / 2012 Australian Stock Horse
SA Management Council State High Point Awards
A big thank you to the ASH SA Management Council, my family and competitor-mates for a great presentation night at Keith, SA.
Lil (Goldmine Latte) was announced as:
SA Australian Stock Horse Led
High Point Winner 2011/12
SA Australian Stock Horse High Point
Horse of the Year
2011/2012 Season - Runner Up

Dilutes Australia 2011 / 2012 SA High Point Horse of the Year Awards
A big thank you to both the Dilutes Australia - SA Branch and the DA National Committee and Organisers, my family and competitor-mates for a fantastic year showing in Dilutes, topped off by our huge, tricky, difficult and rewarding trip to Canberra.
SA High Point Any Other Dilute Mare:- Goldmine Latte, Skyview Stud
SA High Point Dilute Under Saddle 14hh-15.2hh:- Goldmine Latte, Skyview Stud
SA High Point Dilute Hack:- Goldmine Latte, Skyview Stud
SA High Point Ancillary Mare:- Goldmine Latte, Skyview Stud
Team Skyview (Senior) - the Phillips side
Dilute National Championships
- Canberra, ACT, March 2012
In March 2012, Lil, Jenni and Wendy made the huge trip from Adelaide to Canberra for Dilute National Championships, a journey of some 2,792km.
With many thanks and sincere appreciation to the organising committee, judges and other competitors for their welcoming and support, we are delighted to report the following results.
Reserve Champion Led Cremello / Perlino Female
Reserve Champion Led Ancillary Female
(Reserve to the horses that went Supreme in their divisions)
2nd ANSA / ASHS led female
4th Preliminary 1B dressage
4th Novice 1B dressage
4th Senior Bridle Path Hack
5th Pleasure Hack
Champion Ridden Any Other Dilute Female
Supreme Ridden Any Other Dilute Female
Champion Ridden Large Hack
Supreme Hack of Show

8th Jan 2012 - Adelaide Hills Dressage Club, Strathalbyn
Goldmine Latte's results
(first dressage tests)
Novice 2A - 63% (inc 1 error of course) - placed 4th
Preliminary 1A - 63.5% - placed 7th
4th Dec 2011 - Northern Hack & Halter, Mt Pleasant
Goldmine Latte's results
ASH ring
Led ASH Mare - 3rd in a class of 8
Ridden ASH Hack - 2nd in a class of 10
Pleasure ASH Hack - 1st in a class of 10
ANSA ring
Led ANSA Mare 3y and over - 2nd
Ridden ANSA Hack - 2nd
Educated ANSA Hack - 2nd
Working ANSA horse - 3rd
Reserve Champion Ridden ANSA
Dilutes ring
Grand Champion Led Any Other Dilute
Grand Champion Ancillary
Dilute Under Saddle - 1st
Dilute Hack - 1st
Champion Ridden Dilute Exhibit
Ancillary Under Saddle - 1st

November 2011 - Dilutes Australia 2010 / 2011 National High Point Horse of the Year Awards
Goldmine Latte's results
HOTY Cremello / Perlino Halter Mare 4yrs and over
HOTY Cremello / Perlino Mare Under Saddle 4yrs and over
HOTY Cremello / Perlino Open Performance - Stock Horse Events
HOTY Ancillary Halter Mare 4yrs and over
HOTY Ancillary Mare Under Saddle
HOTY Ancillary High Point Open Performance

20th Nov 2011 - Dilutes Australia State Championships
Goldmine Latte's results
Ring 1
Supreme Led Exhibit of Show

Ridden classes, SA Dilute State Championships, November 2011

13th Nov 2011 - Morphett Vale All Breeds Show
Goldmine Latte's results
Open Hack ring
Hack 15h - 15.2 - 1Reserve Champion Ridden Open Hack
ASH ring
Reserve Champion Ridden ASH Hack
ANSA ring
Reserve Champion Ridden ANSA
Dilutes ring
Grand Champion Led Any Other Dilute
Senior Champion Ancillary
Champion Ridden Dilute Exhibit
30th Nov 2011 - Festival All Breeds Show, Globe Derby
Goldmine Latte's results
ASH ring
Champion Led ASHChampion Ridden Hack ASH
Reserve Champion Working ASH
9th Oct 2011 - Kapunda Breed Show
Goldmine Latte's results
Dilute ring
Mare 4y and over Any Other Dilute - 1Senior Champion Any Other Dilute
Grand Champion Any Other Dilute
Ancillary Mare 4y and over - 1
Senior Champion Ancillary
Grand Champion Ancillary
Dilute under saddle 14hh and under 15.2hh - 1
Dilute Hack - 1
Champion Ridden Dilute Exhibit
Ancillary Ridden - 1
ANSA (Australian National Saddlehorse Assoc)
Led ANSA Mare 3yrs & over - 1
Champion ANSA Led Exhibit
Maiden ridden ANSA horse - 1
ANSA Ridden Mare, Gelding 15hh not exceeding 16h - 2
ANSA Working Horse - 1
Unaffiliated Hack Ring
Hack 15hh not exceeding 15.2hh - 4
Heavyweight Hack over 15h - 1
Pleasure Hack over 15hh - snaffle bit, no spurs or whips - 1
Reserve Champion Open Hack
Sept 2011 - Breedorama - Globe Derby
Goldmine Latte's results
Grand Champion Any Other Dilute
Grand Champion Ancillary
Champion Ridden Dilute Exhibit
Representative in Supreme Ridden Of Show (Dilute)

2010 / 2011 Show Season Results
Wrap up for the 2010 / 11 Performance and Show Season
21/08/11 - Australian Stock Horse SA Management Council High Point Awards, 2010 / 2011
A big thank you to the ASH SA Management Council, SA Central Branch, my husband, Hugh, and family for a great night last night.
Lil (Goldmine Latte) was announced as:
SA Australian Stock Horse Led High Point Winner 2010/11
SA Australian Stock Horse Hacking High Point Winner 2010/11 and
Overall SA Australian Stock Horse High Point Winner 2010/2011
We received a beautiful green & gold rug and 3 lovely trophies.
Thanks to everyone involved for the friendship and support you have given us in our first year as part of the ASH family.
A dream I never dared to dream.
Goodonya Lilly-girl :) we make a great team xxx

Australian Stock Horse - SA Central Branch High Point Trophies
The Trophy is aimed at giving encouragement and recognition to the horse competing in its first full season of led and ridden events at SA Central Branch Shows.
Winner = Goldmine Latte & Jenni Phillips
SACB MARE TROPHY – Sponsored by SA Central Branch
For Mares 4 years and over in all led and ridden events where the horse is judged.
Winner – Goldmine Latte & Jenni Phillips
RANNOCK TROPHY—donated by friends of Rannock
The “Rannock Trophy” is awarded to the Ridden High Point Horse Of the Year
Runner Up = Goldmine Latte & Jenni Phillips
Winner = Glen Lee Rivoli Reaction & Felicity Green
Dilutes Australia 2010 / 2011 SA High Point Horse of the Year Awards
SA High Point Any Other Dilute Mare:- Goldmine Latte, Jenni Phillips, Skyview Stud
SA High Point Dilute Under Saddle 14hh-15.2hh:- Goldmine Latte, Jenni Phillips, Skyview Stud
SA High Point Dilute Hack:- Goldmine Latte, Jenni Phillips, Skyview Stud
Ancillary Mare:- Goldmine Latte, Jenni Phillips, Skyview Stud
Ancillary Junior:- Coldstream Diamonds Are Forever, Jenni Phillips, Skyview Stud

My favourite Megan Poser picture
Lil - March 2011

March 2011 - Morphett Vale All Breeds
Goldmine Latte's results
Grand Champion Any Other Dilute
Grand Champion Ancillary
Reserve Champion Led ASH
Champion Dilute Under Saddle
Champion ASH Under Saddle
March 2011 - APSB Summer Gathering Show
Goldmine Latte's results
Grand Champion Any Other Dilute
Grand Champion Ancillary
Supreme Led Dilute
Supreme Led ASH
Champion Dilute Under Saddle
Reserve Champion ASH Under Saddle
March 2011 - APSB All Breeds Show
Goldmine Latte's results
Grand Champion Any Other Dilute
Grand Champion Ancillary
Reserve Champion Led ASH
Champion Ridden Dilute
Champion Dilute Exhibit Under Saddle
Champion Ridden ASH Under Saddle
February 2011 - Murray Bridge All Breeds Show
Goldmine Latte's results
Grand Champion Any Other Dilute
Grand Champion Ancillary
Champion Ridden Dilute
November 2010 - SA State Dilute Championships
Coldstream Diamonds Are Forever's results
1st place Junior Handler (with Link Phillips)
Champion Palomino Filly 3yo and under - 2nd place
Reserve Champion Palomino Junior 3yo and under
Ancillary Filly 3yo and under - 1st place
Champion Junior Ancillary
Goldmine Latte's results
Reserve Champion Any Other Dilute
Senior Champion Ancillary
SA State Champion Ridden Dilute (2 years running)
October 2010 - Morphett Vale All Breeds
Goldmine Latte's results
Grand Champion Any Other Dilute
Grand Champion Ancillary
Supreme Led Dilute
Champion Dilute Under Saddle
Champion Led ASH
Supreme Led ASH
Champion ASH Under Saddle
Representative in Supreme Led of Show (Dilute).
October 2010 - Kapunda Agricultural Show
Goldmine Latte's results
Grand Champion Any Other Dilute
Grand Champion Ancillary
Supreme Dilute Led
Champion Dilute Under Saddle
Led ASH Mare 4yo & over - 1
Reserve Champion ASH Ridden
October 2010 - Southern Equestrian Show
Goldmine Latte's results
Champion Any Other Dilute
Champion Ancillary
Dilute Under Saddle - 1
Ancillary Under Saddle - 1
September 2010 - Royal Adelaide Show
(first Royal show for Lil and Jenni)
Goldmine Latte's results
- entered, ASH Mare 4yo and over
- entered, ASH Hack
August 2010 - Gawler Agricultural Show
Goldmine Latte's results
Champion Any Other Dilute
Supreme Dilute Led
Champion Dilute Under Saddle
Led ASH Mare 4yo & over - 2
Ridden ASH Novice Hack - 1
Reserve Champion ASH Hack

2009 / 2010 Show Season Results
Wrap up for the 2009 / 10 Performance and Show Season
Dilutes Australia 2009 / 2010 National High Point Horse of the Year Awards
Dilutes Australia National Horse of the Year at Halter - Any Other Dilute 2009 / 2010
Dilutes Australia National Horse of the Year Under Saddle - Any Other Dilute 2009 / 2010
Dilutes Australia 2009 / 2010 SA High Point Horse of the Year Awards
SA Supreme of Supremes Dilute (state Show) - Goldmine Latte, Jenni Phillips, Skyview Stud
Winner of the Betty Hosking Memorial Trophy 2009 / 2010 - Goldmine Latte, Jenni Phillips, Skyview Stud
SA High Point Any Other Dilute Mare:- Goldmine Latte, Jenni Phillips, Skyview Stud
SA High Point Ancillary Mare:- Goldmine Latte, Jenni Phillips, Skyview Stud
Womma Dilutes Classic - May 2010
Goldmine Latte's results
Grand Champion Any Other Dilute
Grand Champion Ancillary
(no ridden classes)
Breeder's Crown - April 2010
(with great thanks and appreciation to Patty King and Link Phillips for preparing Lil and Jenni to just need to "walk in the ring".
We will always be grateful.)
Open Mare 3y & over - 3rd place
Open Led Horse 15h and over - 3rd place
Grand Champion Any Other Dilute
Grand Champion Ancillary
(did not compete under saddle due to injury)
Breed'o'Rama December 2009
Goldmine Latte's results
Grand Champion Any Other Dilute
Grand Champion Ancillary
Supreme Dilute Led
Champion Ridden Dilute
November 2009 - SA State Dilute Championships
(first show)
Goldmine Latte's results
Grand Champion Any Other Dilute
Grand Champion Ancillary
SA State Supreme Dilute Led
SA State Champion Ridden Dilute

Our first show - Nov 2009
- and about the third time Lil had been out "in public"
and yes, Uncle Noel, I managed not to fall off :)

Lil - October 2004 (10 months)
Just goes to show that skinny strange baby white horses can grow up and turn into swans :)