Reference Sire - Glacial Gold (ASB Thoroughbred)
Reference Sires contains a selection of the stallions that are included in our mares and progeny's pedigree.
Bloodlines and stallions are chosen with the greatest of care, and matched to each mare with conformation, movement and temperament in mind, to compliment each other well.
We hope you enjoy seeing and having some more information on the horses we have selected.
Glacial Gold was imported, is owned by and standing at Winning Colours Farm in New South Wales
15.3hh Cremello Australian Stud Book Thoroughbred Stallion
ee CrCr aa
registered: ASB USA0807458, ASH
B2-194514, Dilutes Australia
Date of Birth: 6 October 2002

Glacial Gold (below) as a 3yo, just out of Australian quarantine.