Sold - June 2018
(1 page per horse)
Coldstream Diamonds Are Forever - HSH
Sold to a wonderful home in QLD - June 2018.
Our Delta (CS Diamonds Are Forever-HSH) is a rare opportunity for dilute and/or all-purpose sport horse breeders, and a very special mare.
She is ideal to breed tall, athletic and capable all-round competition horses with willing, trainable temperaments, good movement, and the opportunity for golden (including palomino, buckskin, cremello, perlino), dark brown or black coat colour.
Genetically in coat colour she is agouti = brown and black, two chestnut genes and one cream gene.
In markings, she has a perfect diamond on her head, and no socks.
Delta was graded Premium by ACE as a foal against the warmbloods, which is an exceptional result for an Australian Stock Horse.
She has shown and won at State Championship, Royal Show and National level, and was the
2014 National Palomino Horse of the Year Under Saddle.
We purchased Delta as an 11 month old weanling from Coldstream Park in VIC.
She is by Goldmine Illusion-HSH and out of Benediction, a wonderful brown thoroughbred mare by Bianconi.
Delta is genuine, has a wonderful people-orientated and loving temperament, is 8 years old, and was my riding horse for 4 years. I have never seen her have a "mare moment" and she has been very quiet when in season.
She has been educated to novice dressage, is a good jumper and her favourite trick was to jump up the hunt drop-down jumps in the paddock by herself at liberty, has good conformation, fantastic legs, a lovely warm temperament and a super comfortable canter.

For palomino breeders, the below photos show Delta's coat colour in Spring. She is a beautiful golden palomino, does not smut regardless of what we have fed her, and has one slightly darker spot on the off hind about the size of a 20 cent coin.
The below photo is Delta as a 4yo, beginning her formal education.
Delta is also, to our knowledge, the tallest Heritage dilute stock horse in Australia, and currently stands at just a whisker over 16.2h, unshod.
She is perfect for breeding with warmbloods, arabians, thoroughbreds and stock horses, for palomino, buckskin, cremello or perlino foals. She also DNA tests brown / black, so put to the right stallion, will have jet black foals.
Delta had a significant wire vs hind leg injury as a 2yo, and therefore we have priced her for sale as a top quality broodmare. The injury did not include any tendon damage, however there was some exposed canon bone and Delta has had an operation to remove a small bone chip called a sequestrum, that resulted from the bone exposure. The leg has healed well, with a scar. She was shown successfully post-this, as can be seen from the photos below.
She has been out of work now for around 9 months as we have young horses coming through, but can be ridden, is 100% paddock sound, and was sound to ride and compete at State Championship and Royal level. She has not been given pain or anti inflammatory medication since the leg healed, however very occasionally when she turns quickly in the paddock, she may take a slightly shorter step on the leg in question, and we are not sure if she would be riding-sound long term or as a ridden horse in full work.
It has been a very tough decision to put Delta on the market, and she is only for sale as we now have two National Supreme Dilute mares in our band plus our Elite warmblood mare, and this year's filly foal Skyview Elegance is absolutely outstanding. So unfortunately whilst both working full time + the stud, to keep the filly we have to part with one of the mares. Finding a suitable new owner for Delta is very important to us, as she is a member of our extended family.
16.2h Palomino Australian Stock Horse Mare
registered ASH 192544, Dilutes Australia F7850 (Palomino), NWF0211 (Ancillary), ACE 16948-09-V
Date of Birth: 15 August 2009
click here for ASHS pedigree
Coldstream Diamonds Are Forever-HSH is our palomino Heritage Australian Stock Horse mare, 16.2h. Bred by Wendy Ansell, Coldstream Park, in VIC, she was purchased by Skyview Stud in July 2010 as an 11 month old, as a future show and all-round performance horse, and potential stud broodmare.
Diamonds Are Forever (Delta) was selected for her good breeding, conformation, movement, great height for an Australian Stock Horse, and lovely clear rich palomino colour.
Her dam (Benediction) has excellent thoroughbred breeding with sire Bianconi (by Danzig, Northern Dancer) and out of a dam by At Talaq out of a Century mare.
Delta was ACE assessed (predominantly warmbloods) in 2010 as a foal receiving a Premium Award, including 77% for conformation and the assessor's comment "very nice canter".

Royal Adelaide Autumn Horse Show - 2014
- Saturday 30th March, 2014
This was Delta's first Royal Show, 4 years of age.
A very long hot day in the ring, from 10am - 5.45pm.
Results as follows. Well done Dee.
CS Diamonds Are Forever's results
Senior Champion Ancillary
1st place Ancillary Mare 4y and over (any colour)
2nd place Open Palomino Mare, 4y and over
2nd place Dilutes Australia Palomino Mare, 4y and over
2nd place Best Bred to Type > 14h (any colour)
2nd place Dual/Multi Registered Horse (any colour)
3rd place Best Presented Horse & Handler (any colour)
2nd place Smartest On Parade
(sooo wonderfully happy as we were the only non-plaited, non quarter marked, single bridle horse in the line)
1st place Dilute Under Saddle > 15h (any colour)

Dilutes Australia - State Championships 2013
- Sunday 15th December, 2013
This was her third show (one as a yearling, one in Oct 2013) and second time out in public under saddle, still a green 4yo. The second of the two main double points shows in the SA Dilutes calendar.
Very pleased with Diamonds Are Forever (Delta)'s behaviour, particularly under saddle on a busy, chaotic showground. We're looking forward to her progress over the next 12 months or so.
CS Diamonds Are Forever's results
Senior Champion Ancillary Led
Reserve Champion Ridden Dilute
1st place Best Conformation Dilute (any colour)
1st place Best Bred to Type > 14h (any colour)
1st place Best Coat Colour (palomino)
1st place Dual Registered Horse >15.2h (any colour)
1st place Dilute Under Saddle > 15h (any colour)
1st Dilute Hack (any colour)
1st Ancillary Under Saddle (any colour)


Second time ever out under saddle - 4yo.
Delta coped with the atmosphere really well and we were thrilled with her work ethic in the middle of a very busy 8 ring show atmosphere.

Dilutes Australia - SA Classics
- Sunday 29th September, 2013
Delta was shown for the second time in Sept 2013 at the Dilutes Australia - SA Classics, the first of the two main double points shows in the SA Dilutes calendar.
Although her coat wasn't quite through, we were pleased with her behaviour and results.
Photos to come ...
CS Diamonds Are Forever's results
2 x Senior Champion Palomino (led)
- Open and Dilutes Australia ring
Grand Champion Ancillary
Senior Champion Ancillary
Reserve Champion Ridden Dilute
1st place Best Conformation Dilute (any colour)
1st place Best Coat Colour (palomino)
1st place Best Dual Registered Dilute (any colour)

Delta's first ever ribbon as an adult.

As a 3yo green breaker, April 2013.
Day 3 of Linda's five day "under saddle" training.

A State Dilute Championships - Nov 2010
Delta's first show ever was the SA State Dilute Championships as a yearling. We were very proud of her, achieving:
- 1st place Junior Handler (with Link Phillips as a 14yo handler)
- Champion Palomino Filly 3yo and under - 2nd place
- Reserve Champion Palomino Junior 3yo and under
- Ancillary Filly 3yo and under - 1st place
- Champion Junior Ancillary
