Skyview Premier d'Or (IFS)
16.0h Palomino Gelding
Star, snip, 2 hind socks
1st cross Australian Stock Horse (pending)
ACE Registered Warmblood
Dilutes Australia Palomino and Ancillary
Date of Birth: 23 November 2013

After 25 years of searching, and 10 years of a planned breeding outcome, we are delighted to introduce our brand new bred-by-us gelding, Skyview Premier d'Or - IFS.
We have decided to call him Finn as his paddock name. Finn means blonde, fair and white, and refers to a mythical Irish hero who was bold, humble and a hero to the people he led. We thought this suited him perfectly.
Finn has now begun his proper education under saddle.
We're thrilled to bits with his willingness, temperament, trainability and movement.
Video as a green horse, with many thanks to Bronya Kennedy and Coral Green from Birdwood Horse Works, for doing such a wonderful job with him.
Video and photos in winter coat colour.
First photo - 3rd ride.

As a yearling (now 14 months), Finn is growing and maturing nicely. We're very pleased with his development and really looking forward to him as a 3yo.
Consensus is he's too pretty to be a boy .. what an awesome problem to have :)
Jan 1st, 2015

10 1/2 months ... we can't wait to see what colour he is when his coat is fully developed as a 3yo.
Oct 1st, 2014.

As a foal ... 5 1/2 weeks
His name means "the First Golden One" and was proposed by Gail Rossington in QLD. We loved the name as it is Lil's first foal, and the first palomino by the superstar Hanoverian stallion Le Primeur in the world.
We have chosen his paddock name to be Finn. When you look up his dam's paddock name Lil (Lily, short for Elizabeth) you find "The flower lily is a symbol of innocence; purity and beauty", and of course because she is white.
Finn is an English, Irish and old German (after his German sire) name which means "blonde", "fair", "white", or "bright". "Finn is a name with enormous energy and charm, that of the greatest hero of Irish mythology. Finn McCool was an intrepid warrior with mystical supernatural powers, noted as well for his wisdom and generosity".
Photos at 5 weeks of age, taken by our dear friend, Rebecca Moore - SA.
A magnificent "true gold" palomino, who should stay gold through all seasons.
Skyview's aim is to produce the following, and we are hoping this young one (as the second of our "end product" foals) will fulfil this aim.
"Horses that move well, and are built well.
Horses that can be competitive in the show ring, competitive as performance horses,
and great weekend riding horses
Horses with a willingness to work, and that are a joy to ride."
That's the mark of a Skyview Horse"
Skyview Premier d'Or's sire, Le Primeur (Han), won the overall Stallion Licensing in Germany in 2000, placing first in jumping (with a Showjumping Index of 143.49) and second to Don Frederico in dressage (with a Dressage Index of 142.56).
Le Primeur descends out of a dam line with the highest evaluation for conformation. Le Primeur has extraordinary type, expression, good conformation and a willingness to perform at the highest levels of both disciplines of dressage and jumping. He attracted everyone's attention with his willingness to work. He achieved outstanding jumping ability and three good basic gaits, especially a tremendous uphill canter.
After successfully participating in his second tournament, he qualified for the Hanoverian show jumping championship in Dobrock in 2001. He has won in excess of 40 aptitude tests and show jumper classes at the novice, elementary and intermediate levels. His greatest sports highlight thus far was his placement in the finals of the 2002 Federal Championship of 5yo show jumpers.
Here is a stallion of exceptional performance and character.
He has 3 licensed sons, 29 auction horses, 19 state premium mares, 107 main stud book mares.
HLP 2000: 147.84 84/1/45; DI 142.56/2; SI 143.49/1
Breeding values: Dressage (124) Jumping (137)
Heritability: Riding type (94) Conformation (125) Dressage (94) Jumping (132)
His Dam
His dam, Goldmine Latte-HSH, is a National and multiple State Champion, having won led and ridden Champions and Supreme Champions in Dilutes, Australian Stock Horse (including High Point Horse of the Year in her first year), ANSA, placed in the top 4 at EA Novice Dressage in her first time, and won Reserve Champion Open Hack at two out of two occasions. She is one of the most successful cremello horses in Australia, has movement and temperament to die for, combined with an excellent willingness to work.
At this stage we anticipate Skyview Premier d'Or (IFS) will be retained as a performance horse and example of Skyview's breeding program. We will be repeating the mating, welcome your enquiry and will be keeping expressions of interest for the resultant foal.
Photos below of Skyview Premier d'Or-IFS at 5 weeks of age.

at 7 days of age
Lovely shoulder angulation and fantastic hindquarters
He has his granddam, Goldmine Champagne Blush-HSH's beautiful chiselled head.

7 days old - showing his reach, drive and balance.
(click on each picture and it will open up)
Skyview Premier d'Or-IFS at 4 days of age ...

His dam, Goldmine Latte - HSH (click on her name to go to Latte's page).
