Goldmine Champagne Blush - HSH (06/12/1989- 12/01/2014)
Goldmine Champagne Blush - HSH
(Claredale Champagne Charlie-HSH
x Keandra Ballerina - HSH)

Blushie is Skyview Stud's Foundation Mare. We have retained 3 out of 4 of her fillies, and frozen semen stored from her living stallion colt, Goldmine Mirage-HSH.
Blushie was an extremely successful show mare, winning Champion Palomino Mare
at the Melbourne Royal Show,
6 years in a row.
15.3h Palomino Australian Stock Horse Mare
Heritage Australian Stock Horse, 12.5% Arabian
ASH 114507, Dilutes Australia M3212 (Palomino), APHA
Arabian Horse Society SF4652 (12.5% Arabian)
Date of Birth: 06 December 1989
Australian Stock Horse Pedigree (click)

Valē - Goldmine Champagne Blush-HSH.
It is with great sadness and the joy of celebrating an incredible life, that we announce our beautiful palomino foundation mare Blush (aka Miss Blush Rushworth / Blushie-Rush), passed away gracefully 12/01/2014 at 8am this morning from a heart attack.
No warning, no suffering, after her normal morning 3 laps of the paddock with her two mates, Miss Kitty and Mr Jack, at 24 years of age. So lucky that I gave her a giant hug and lots of love yesterday late afternoon.
Sired by Claredale Champagne Charlie-HSH
Dam of Goldmine Figurine-HSH, Goldmine Latte-HSH, Goldmine Mirage-HSH, Goldmine Phantom-HSH,
Skyview Champagne Rose-HSH, and Skyview Eternity-HSH.
Grand-Dam of Skyview Premier d'Or, Skyview Champagne Grace-HSH, Skyview Sovereign,
Skyview Ambassador-HSH and Skyview Elegance.
Goodbye, Farewell, fly free with the Angels, our sweet Blush.
My life has been filled with joy by you and your babies.
You made my heart sing just to see you in the mornings, and it was the greatest honour to be your Guardian in those last years.
With my thanks to Hugh, Patty and Peter at this difficult time for their friendship, love, and support.
A piece of my heart and soul has gone with you x.

"I'll lend you for a little while
My grandest foal, He said.
For you to love while she's alive
And mourn for when she's dead.
It may be one or twenty years,
Or days or months , you see.
But, will you, till I take her back,
Take care of her for me?
She'll bring her charms to gladden you,
And should her stay be brief,
You'll have treasured memories
As solace for your grief.
I cannot promise she will stay,
Since all from earth return.
But, there are lessons taught on earth
I want this foal to learn.
I've looked the wide world over
In my search for teachers true.
And from the throngs that crowd life's lanes,
With trust, I have selected you.
Now will you give her your total love?
Nor think the labor vain,
Nor hate Me when I come
To take her back again?
I know you'll give her tenderness
And love will bloom each day.
And for the happiness you've known!
Forever grateful stay.
But should I come and call for her
Much sooner than you'd planned
You'll brave the bitter grief that comes
And someday you'll understand
For though I'll call her home to Me
This promise to you I do make,
For all the love and care you gave
7 years consecutively, Melbourne Royal Show Champion Palomino Mare.

photo taken 27th December, 2013 (2 weeks ago) at 24 years of age

Blushie's rose that will be buried with her, from our garden. There was only one, and it was perfect for her. A mature, golden blushing rose in full bloom.

At 24 years of age, Goldmine Champagne Blush - HSH's record still stands as one of the two most successful palomino show mares in Australia, partnered by the famous Chico d'Oro mare, Lawes Elegant.
Blush is a full stud book Australian Stock Horse - with the additional Heritage Stock Horse classification.
Blush was retired to stud as a 10yo and produced
- two cremello mares, Goldmine Figurine (2002) and Goldmine Latte-HSH (2003)
- two cremello stallions, Goldmine Mirage (2005) and Goldmine Phantom (2007)
- a chestnut filly, Skyview Champagne Rose-HSH (2010), and, finally,
- a brown buckskin filly, Skyview Eternity-HSH (2012).
In 2010, we had the privilege of becoming Blush's guardians for the rest of her life. She gave us two filly foals, and lived the rest of her days very well loved and in deserved luxury.

Bless her heart, and by some miracle, 10 days after Spirit passed away, our foundation mare Goldmine Champagne Blush-HSH did what any superb mother would, and adopted her best friend's baby. Little Georgia was treated as "twin sister" to Blush's real foal, Tilly (Skyview Eternity), born 3 days before Georgia, and Blush and I raised them together.
This first photo was the first time we "caught" Georgia drinking from Blush. We definitely think that Eternity (Tilly) was "in on it" too, as that is Blushie's real foal closest to her. Maybe in the beginning, Blush didn't realise it was Georgia drinking ... although we are pretty sure she noticed, and was not 100% "thrilled" with the idea in the beginning, hence her ears ... ;). Not much (if anything) ever went unnoticed by Our Blush x.
Day 2 - allowing both to drink.
Eternity always made sure she was closest to her mum in the beginning, and Reflections would sneak in behind her, and they would swap Eternity to Reflections on the same nipple.
Day 4 - allowing both to drink.
What a legend. By this stage, Blushie had accepted that if the girls were prepared to "share" their mother, she'd happily accommodate them both.

Goldmine Champagne Blush-HSH with her "twin fillies", Skyview Eternity-HSH and Skyview Reflections.
This picture was taken when the fillies were about 6 months of age, and two days before weaning.
Good job Blush. You're a superstar champion.

Goldmine Champagne Blush-HSH and her last foal, Skyview Eternity-HSH (2010, retained),
brown buckskin filly ASHS, p-registered ANSA, Dilutes Buckskin and Dilutes Ancillary registered.
Day 1, 24 November 2012.
Skyview Eternity-HSH - 1 week old

4 weeks old in the below photos, with thanks to Karen Sheridan for the photos.

Skyview Champagne Rose-HSH (2010, retained), the second of the three of our fillies out of Goldmine Champagne Blush-HSH.

The below photos are of Blush at 21 yo, just after giving birth to Skyview Champagne Rose (Cherry).
