Picture Gallery
Life is a journey .... it's not about "getting somewhere" or where you end up,
how much money or possessions you have when you get there, or along the way.
It's about what you learn, who you become, and what kind of influence
you have on those around you along the way, positive or negative.
The best thing is ... you get to choose.
We are thrilled and honoured to share part of the Skyview Journey with you below, in pictorial form.
December 2011, Northern Hack & Halter Show, Mt Pleasant Showgrounds, SA
Lil as an ANSA (Australian National Saddlehorse
Association) competitor
Lil as an ASH competitor (Australian Stock Horse)
For those who are old enough, remember the Beatles Abbey Road album cover?

Lil and my version at NH&H :)

November 2011.
Last weekend we met up with a lovely young lady by the name of Megan Poser. We had been introduced to Megan and her mum a couple of times before, but unbeknownst to us, Megan had taken some wonderful photos of Lil, Link and I over the past 18 months.
When Megan sent through the photos, we were amazed to see the "feeling" in the photos. With Megan's permission, we are delighted to share these with you.
Horizons Photography - Megan Poser, SA
My favourite Megan Poser picture
Lil - March 2011 in Australian Stock Horse gear

The result when a clever photographer and photo editor can take out the electricity poles, flags, tin sheds and wire in the background, and still retain the delicate detail in the tail strands
before ....

after ...

Lil doing her "Snuffleupagus" impersonation between ridden classes.

Link (15yo) helping at Breeders Crown, April 2010

Lil desperately wanting an ear itch lol.
She's a practical girl rather than enjoying "blingy" browbands.
The $2.50 St Vinnie's mens blue shirt does look nice though with the green $50 ASH jacket though :)

Breeder's Crown, April 2011
Patty King, Link Phillips, Jenni Phillips and Goldmine Latte.

The difference between Grey and Cream

For the dressage enthusiasts ...
yes, too much leaning (bad, bad rider)
but that white horse is FORWARD

Lil, Dec 2009.
With many thanks to Karen Sheridan www.sharanpa.com who is a superstar photographer and fantastic lady to boot.

Her brother Goldmine Mirage (same dam - see Stallions page) has one too :)
"A birthmark in the form of an indentation, usually found on the side of a horse’s neck. It’s believed that a horse with such a mark will be outstanding, as it is allegedly a descendant of one of the five brood mares that the Prophet Mohammed particularly treasured and marked with his own thumbprint.
A widespread belief tells of how any horse that has a groove in its neck is to be treasured and treated with great respect as it believed to come from a the line of horses that belonged to the Prophet Mahomet. If you can place your thumb gently into the groove on the neck, which is known as the 'Prophet's Thumb Print', then the horse is allegedly connected to one of the five brood mares that Mahomet owned, and therefore sacred."

2 October 2011
Delts at 26 months and Allie at 21 months :)
"Peaches and Cream"
... hang on, I think it is more "Peaches and Honey" now :)
Showing off our new fencing
- thanks Amacron and
Ben Birks from Hills and Fleurieu Fencing Services.
Lovely guy, and great work.
25 Sept 2011
Me and Mini-Me
The very best way to get rid of winter coat

D starting to come into her summer coat.
She's just turned 2, about 15.3h and now starting to develop a jaw line.
And man-oh-man, can she JUMP!!

Cherry at 10 months - starting to get some ooh la lah!
Unmistakably, her mother (Blush's) head
Phoebe - Sept 2011
Her beautiful summer Palomino coat colour just starting to peep through
"Miss Divine", Allie-girl, Sept 2011, 20 months
The Pushmi-Pullyu
I went out this morning ...
and lo and behold ...
the mythical Pushmi-Pullyu creature
appeared and lives !!!!
in my very own paddock!!
(and for those who havent read the book, do yourself a favour and get a copy of Dr Doolittle)
Royal Adelaide Show ASH Hack Line Up
Can you pick us?
Goldmine Latte - Sep 2010

Link and Lil in 2007, just after we had moved to our property in Echunga. Link decided that Lil was "his horse".
I think, from this photo, that she thought that too.

Development of Skyview, Dec 2010
(Delta, Allie, Cherry and Blush - Nov 2011)
It's very tiring being a foal with all that growing to do! Cherry - Jan 2011
The "Pollyanna" Look
Lil and Jenni - November 2009
first show ever
first blue ribbon ever
"Best Presented"

Belcam Allure (Allie) and Coldstream Diamonds Are Forever (Delta), as yearlings in December 2010.
What happens when you take a teenager showing with you .... and they've had to get up at 4.30am :)

Teenagers can actually be pretty cool fun at times, and a can of soft drink, sausage in bread and ice cream on the way home is cheap bribery.
December 2010
Delta at her first show, first time out.

... or when Emma met Lilly (kind of like when Harry met Sally, sort of)

"Sweet Chilli Filly Friends"
- Belcam Allure (yearling) and Skyview Champagne Rose (5 month old foal) in Feb 2011
Allie has such a beautiful, soft and gentle temperament she has made the perfect companion and positive influence for Cherry, as a newly weaned foal.
"No More Kisses"
Delta and Allie as yearlings - "We go together just like peas and carrots" - Forrest Gump

"Seriously, some one needs to sort this out before we go in and strutt our stuff"

"You think that's bad .... you should see what she does to ME !!!"

Emma Phillips. Dilutes come in all species.
"Just wake me up when we need to do our thing,
OK Mum?"

Blushie at 21 yo with Cherry - 8 hours after birth.
How does an old horse manage to look that damn good?
"Palomino iridescence"
Blushie, Nov 2010 - unwashed, unrugged
" .. a palomino, no matter how dark, will always shine gold or silver."
Jeanette Gower, "Horse Colour Explained", 2000

"If it doesn't kill you, it will make you stronger"
For anyone out there who is a mother or father of a Goalkeeper, I feel your pain.
Before the invasion of the yellow and red creatures, we were "half normal" with only two horses -
"Yin and Yang"
Jazz and Lil - 2008

“Beautiful Jazzie”
Jazz was my very special riding horse and mate for over 10 years. An Australian Warmblood bred by Ponderosa Stud in SA (Cheryl Hatswell), Jazz was one of the early generations of Australian warmbloods with an imported sire (Aramis by Azkent II) and stud book Thoroughbred mother (Triple Comedy).
Jazzie is now owned by a lovely lady in VIC and is in foal to Royal Hit, due early2012.

Jenni's first sit on Lil on her 3rd birthday.
With thanks & appreciation to John & Linda O'Leary for doing the best job ever breaking her in.

Lil - October 2004 (10 months)
Just goes to show that skinny strange baby white horsies can grow up and turn into swans :)