Coldstream Diamonds Are Forever - HSH For Sale $10,000
16.2h Palomino Australian Stock Horse Mare
registered ASH 192544, Dilutes Australia F7850 (Palomino), NWF0211 (Ancillary), ACE 16948-09-V
Date of Birth: 15 August 2009
click here for ASHS pedigree

Coldstream Diamonds Are Forever-HSH is our young 4yo palomino Heritage Australian Stock Horse mare, currently 16.1h+, mature 16.2h. Bred by Wendy Ansell, Coldstream Park, in VIC, she was purchased by Skyview Stud in July 2010 as an 11 month old, as a future show and all-round performance horse, and potential stud broodmare.
Diamonds Are Forever (Delta) was selected for her good breeding, conformation, movement, great height for an Australian Stock Horse, and lovely clear rich palomino colour.
Her dam (Benediction) has excellent thoroughbred breeding with sire Bianconi (by Danzig, Northern Dancer) and out of a dam by At Talaq out of a Century mare.
Delta was ACE assessed (predominantly warmbloods) in 2010 as a foal receiving a Premium Award for 75.75% overall, with 77% conformation and 74.5% for movement, and assessor's comment "very nice canter".

Royal Adelaide Autumn Horse Show - 2014
- Saturday 30th March, 2014
This was Delta's first Royal Show, 4 years of age.
A very long hot day in the ring, from 10am - 5.45pm.
Results as follows. Well done Dee.
CS Diamonds Are Forever's results
Senior Champion Ancillary
1st place Ancillary Mare 4y and over (any colour)
2nd place Open Palomino Mare, 4y and over
2nd place Dilutes Australia Palomino Mare, 4y and over
2nd place Best Bred to Type > 14h (any colour)
2nd place Dual/Multi Registered Horse (any colour)
3rd place Best Presented Horse & Handler (any colour)
2nd place Smartest On Parade
(sooo wonderfully happy as we were the only non-plaited, non quarter marked, single bridle horse in the line)
1st place Dilute Under Saddle > 15h (any colour)

Dilutes Australia - State Championships 2013
- Sunday 15th December, 2013
This was her third show (one as a yearling, one in Oct 2013) and second time out in public under saddle, still a green 4yo. The second of the two main double points shows in the SA Dilutes calendar.
Very pleased with Diamonds Are Forever (Delta)'s behaviour, particularly under saddle on a busy, chaotic showground. We're looking forward to her progress over the next 12 months or so.
CS Diamonds Are Forever's results
Senior Champion Ancillary Led
Reserve Champion Ridden Dilute
1st place Best Conformation Dilute (any colour)
1st place Best Bred to Type > 14h (any colour)
1st place Best Coat Colour (palomino)
1st place Dual Registered Horse >15.2h (any colour)
1st place Dilute Under Saddle > 15h (any colour)
1st Dilute Hack (any colour)
1st Ancillary Under Saddle (any colour)



Second time ever out under saddle - 4yo.
Delta coped with the atmosphere really well and we were thrilled with her work ethic in the middle of a very busy 8 ring show atmosphere.

Delta as a just turned 4yo, young green horse. With Jenni - November 2013

Delta's unwashed coat colour, Spring 2013
November 2013 (4yo) - young, green horse training & lessons with Linda O'Leary.
It can be awfully hard to concentrate sometimes with a view like this :)
Dilutes Australia - SA Classics
- Sunday 29th September, 2013
Delta was shown for the second time in Sept 2013 at the Dilutes Australia - SA Classics, the first of the two main double points shows in the SA Dilutes calendar.
Although her coat wasn't quite through, we were pleased with her behaviour and results.
Photos to come ...
CS Diamonds Are Forever's results
2 x Senior Champion Palomino (led)
- Open and Dilutes Australia ring
Grand Champion Ancillary
Senior Champion Ancillary
Reserve Champion Ridden Dilute
1st place Best Conformation Dilute (any colour)
1st place Best Coat Colour (palomino)
1st place Best Dual Registered Dilute (any colour)

Delta's first ever ribbon as an adult.

Very proud of Delta, who achieved 1st place Mare 4y and over, Champion Senior Palomino and Grand Champion Palomino.

First time out under saddle and first show since she went out once as a yearling. ... we were very proud of her. Ridden pictures posted so we can mark the change and improvement over the next 12 months.

Delta and I were both pretty nervous, but together, we "got it done". With thanks to our wonderful Judge for her encouragement and support for our first time out.

As a 3yo green breaker, April 2013.
Day 3 of Linda's five day "under saddle" training.

Delta (opposite) as a just turned 2yo - her winter coat is about 50% out now and WOW look at what is underneath!!
Palominos don't achieve their final coat colour depth until they are 3yo, so we are really looking forward to seeing what next year brings ... or maybe what she's like in another 3 weeks ...
Delta at 14 months
SA State Awards 2010 / 2011
SA High Point Dilutes Ancillary Junior Champion - 2010 / 2011
SA State Dilute Championships - Nov 2010
Delta's first show ever was the SA State Dilute Championships as a yearling. We were very proud of her, achieving:
- 1st place Junior Handler (with Link Phillips as a 14yo handler)
- Champion Palomino Filly 3yo and under - 2nd place
- Reserve Champion Palomino Junior 3yo and under
- Ancillary Filly 3yo and under - 1st place
- Champion Junior Ancillary
